Whats A Smut Challenge? [3/6] [ᴄʟᴇᴀʀʟʏ sᴍᴜᴛ]

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Micheal: 1          Jeremy: 1

Micheals face blushed deep red as he read the next day. Bodily fluids? What does that even mean? Like blood and shit? Is this designed for straight couples, more specifically when the girl is on her period? Wait, if vampires have sex on their period, is that considered kinky?

he skims to the next three days.
Oral sex (fuck yeah), guilt (controversial but okay), romantic evening (very cute).

A romantic evening followed by guilt tripping his boyfriend into oral sex? How hard can that be?


Jeremy's phone lights up with a text from Micheal.

Player 1<3:
Come to my house in half an hour. Make yourself look good with like a tie or something this ain't a barn

He rolls his eyes with a smile. Come on, what are the odds this ends in some weird ass sex? But he complies, getting a tie and poorly tying it on top of a dress shirt and jeans. How absolutely spiffy.

He plugs his earplugs in his ears, and walks down to Micheals house as he's inspired to seize the day and find something to believe in.

He rolls up to the front door, and is greeted with a note. Plain, folded sheet of A4 paper with his name scrawled across the top. Under the fold, Micheal printed a simple note:

Day 9: romantic evening

That explains the tie. Jeremy chuckles to himself, before gently pressing open the door. In the dark hallway, lies a trail of lit candles. One after the other, leading Jeremy down into the kitchen. His breath is literally taken away. The kitchen table is covered in a white cloth, decorated with a bouquet of flowers and candle sticks. There are place settings for two people opposite each other. Surrounding the table is a love heart made out of rose petals. The whole room would be dark, but there are candles all along the kitchen counters, giving the place a romantic light.

"Oh my god" Jeremy breaths, his cheeks on fire and a smile stretched on his face.

"Hey Jere"

Michael appears from the living room, wearing a red suit, white shirt and red dickie bow. Damn, he makes Jeremy feel very underdressed. Michael pulls back one of the chairs, gesturing for Jeremy to sit. He complies, with a giggle, as Micheal pushes in his chair. The Filipino then goes to the oven, producing two plates of spaghetti.

"Spaghetti? Gosh I'm flattered" Jeremy says.

"The finest spaghetti in the world" his boyfriend remarks, placing the dish in front of him.

Micheal sits down opposite Jeremy, hungrily digging into the food.

"You're one for killing a few birds with one stone. What other challenges are we doing tonight?" Jeremy takes a forkful of pasta.

"Well" Micheal swallows. "I decided to skip bodily fluids because ew gross. The ones I'm hoping to get through tonight are romantic evening-" he waves his hand around the food. "-oral sex, and guilt"


"Not completely sure what it means. I'm guessing that one of us feel guilty for something and try make up for it with sex? Or in our case, blowjobs" Micheal shrugs.

Jeremy face burns red. How can Micheal talk about sucking someones dick naturally, like its the most normal thing in the world? He shakes his head with a smile and looks down at his food.

"Well, have you done anything that I need to forgive you for?" Jeremy asks.

"Well........" Micheal pretends to think. "Oh I know! One tie, when I was at your house like a year and a half ago, I used your toothbrush"

Jeremy gasps over dramatically. "MICHAEL?! HOW DARE YOU?! I can never forgive you for this!"

"Oh please Jeremy!" Michael jumps onto one knee, shaking his interlocked hands. "Please is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Jeremy smirks. "You feeling guilty Micha?"

Michael gets off the ground and leans up to Jeremy. "Oh so very guilty"

Their lips softly meet, Jeremys hands going straight to Micheals hair. The Filipino keeps standing up, taking Jeremy to his feet. His hands slip around his boyfriends waist deepening the kiss. Their mouths slide open, heat building around them.

"You know" Jeremy gasps. "You look pretty fucking hot in this suit. But I bet it would look better on the floor"

"Very smooth, Heere" Micheal shrugs his jacket off as Jeremy rips off his shirt. Before they know it, they're both standing there in only their boxers.

Micheal places a single, but loving kiss on his boyfriends lips.
Then his neck.
Then his chest.
His ribs.
His stomach.
His belly button.
Jeremy's breathing is rapid by now, eager for Micheal to quit teasing. Micheals fingers creep down the waistband of his boxers before stopping.

"Can we go upstairs? I like to save the kitchen for a different kind of meat"
Jeremy snorts, taking his boyfriends hand as the giggle their way upstairs.

Jeremy is pushed into Micheals room, falling flat on his bed. Micheal wastes no time. Jeremy's boxers are discarded into some corner somewhere, leaving, well, Jeremy's dick.

"I fucking EXCEL at smut challenges" he smirks, before grabbing Jeremy's member.

He gently wraps his mouth around the head, swirling his tongue and saliva. He slowly moves his hand up and down, squeezing and releasing. Jeremy shudders and groans under his touch.
Without warning, Micheal goes for it. He deep throats Jeremy, not stopping until his nose hits his stomach. Lucky for him, he has no gag reflex. It's like god designed him to be gay.

He bobs his head up and down, gradually picking up speed. He pins down Jeremy's hips with one hand, as he tried to buck up. Jeremy arches his back, heated moans escaping his mouth.

"Holy-ahhhh fuck~ M-Micheal~"

Jeremy's hand tangles in Micheals hair, tugging gently as he guides his head. Micheal moans, sending vibrations down Jeremy's shaft. [A/N all I can think of is the text convo I saw on Instagram: If you don't play the craft, YOU DONT GET THE SHAFT. Okay you can go back to your gay porn you heathens]

Micheals hand creeps into his boxers, as he starts to jerk himself off. Jeremy sings praise from above him, before reaching his climax with one final scream. Micheal swallows without complaint.
Micheal lifts his head with a soft pop!, crawling up to Jeremy's head. He leans in for a kiss, but Jeremy pushes him away.

"Im not kissing you till you brush your teeth. O don't want to be tasting my own dick" he remarks.

Micheal shrugs. "Fair enough"

Jeremy's eyes spot Micheals very obvious boner. "You need a hand there Micha?"

"I mean if you're offering"

One handjob and teeth washing session later, the two cuddle underneath the covers. Jeremy begins to drift off against Micheals chest, as he plays with his hair.
Micheal plants a kiss against his forehead.

"Get some sleep Jer. Being cute must be tiring" he smiles.

"Then you must be exhausted" Jeremy yawns.

"Hey! I'm the smooth one heere!"

"You're not smooth, you're cuddly. You're my cuddly teddy bear who needs to shut the fuck up so I can get to sleep" Jeremy plants a kiss on Micheals chest, before dozing off.

Micheal smiles one last time.
"Jeremy: 1, Micheal:2. Happy victory"

Finally a part three!
This series is so stupidly fun to write I love turning our boys into hopeless romantic shits. Should there be a part four?

- Avery

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