ᴅᴇᴇʀᴇ || Elevator? I Hardly Know Her

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Though the title is a funny joke, don't be fooled. Someone requested Deere angst so I researched and researched until I found the angstiest angst I could

dammitcarol this isn't exactly what you requested, but it is angst so I hope you like it ^••^

(College AU or something)

Jeremy x Jake

Jake rubs his face, sighing. He walks into the apartment building like he has a million times before. It's second nature at this point. He trudges along the ugly carpet to the rickety elevator. The steel contraption smells a little like cat piss but Jake pushes through it.

The doors open on the fourth floor. His feet drag on the floor as he stifles a yawn. He stops outside one of the apartment doors and grabs the handle.

It's locked.

It takes a second for his brain to register that the door isn't open. He tries again, but- Yep. The door is locked.

Jake comes to his boyfriend's apartment nearly every day and he can't remember the last time he hasn't just barged right in. Whether Jeremy is in the shower or watching TV, he leaves his door unlocked for Jake. Yes it's a safety hazard but it's a good system.

Jake knocks on the door.
"Jeremy, it's me" he calls, his voice a little gruff.

There's no reply. Jake sighs, knocking again. He pulls out his phone, texting him in case he is in the shower.

The Motherfucking Jake Snake
Hey babe I'm outside the door
but it's locked 😫 lemme iiiiiiin
I have food and it's getting cold  🥰😝
[delivered 11:06 pm]

Jake's tired mind doesn't realise that he is using an excessive amount of emojis. He holds the Chinese food bag in his tight fist, genuinely worried that the food is going bad.

It takes about five minutes for the door to finally open. The lock clicks on the other side. Jake pushes the door open, stepping into Jeremy's dark apartment.

He expects Jeremy to be waiting at the door to say hi and give him a kiss and take the food and talk about his day like he usually does. But Jeremy has already gone to the kitchen without Jake.

Jake would never describe their relationship as rocky and he'd never describe himself as moody, but today he just wasn't in good humour. And if Jeremy was being passive aggressive or weird, he just wasn't having it. It's just one of those days, ya know?

He follows Jeremy to the kitchen, putting the bag on the counter.
"Traffic on the way here was fucking insane" Jake says, turning to Jeremy and leaning against the kitchen counter.

Jeremy leans against the counter opposite him, arms cross and face stoney. His brows are furrowed and his jaw locked. Jake freezes.
"Jer what's wrong?"

Suddenly Jake's long day working at Wendy's and traffic problems are obsolete. Something is bothering Jeremy. Clearly thoughts have been weighing on his mind like bags on concrete and the weight was creating cracks in his happy façade.

Jeremy exhales a shaky sigh. He licks his lips as he stares at the stained tile floor.
"We need to talk, Jake"

Jake swallows, furrowing his brows.
"What's up?"

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