Spill or Thrill [2/3]

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"The boy sat on his boyfriends couch, waiting anxiously for the game to start"

"Micha staaap"

"His fiddles with his hands. He knows his boyfriend will return eventually, but a chill still creeps down his spine"

"Micheal I'm serious"

"A creature creeps along the basement floor, hiding in the shadows. The boy remains oblivious to the creature because he's an oblivious little shit"

"Wow. Sooooo smooth"

"The creature slides up behind him. Razor sharp claws and two inch long teeth. A shadow looms over the boy, hot breath on his neck. He's too late-"


"-there's nothing he can do-"


"-as the creature-"



Micheal lunges over the back of the couch, tackling Jeremy. His boyfriend shrieks as he his held in a tight embrace. Micheal makes some lame monster noises as he shakes him and hugs him.
"That wasn't funny Micheal!"

"It was hilarious" he lets go of his boyfriend and kisses his head. "Ah! Readers! I didn't see you come in! Welcome back to Spill or Thrill. Sponsored by Pepsi. You ready to play, Jeremy?"

He nods in reply. "These dares will be easy. I'll kick your ass no problem"

Micheal raises an eyebrow. "Okay good because the first one is for you. Spill: Jeremy, did you ever actually have a crush on Christine or was it a cover-up for your gay crush on Micheal?"

Jeremy chokes on his own dignity. His face turns redder then a fire truck. Micheal laughs and claps him on the back.
"In your own time, dear"

The brunette leans over, and whispers something in Micheals ear.
"It'll be fine, don't worry" Micheal reassures him.

Jeremy clears his throat before answering.
"Okay. So, I did like Christine. I mean, she's funny and nice and really cool- don't look at me that Micheal. I'm dating you, amn't I? Anyways, I liked her for a while, yeah. But by the time I got the Squip, it had started to fizzle out. But the Squip kept pushing it on me and it was ridiculous. This is around when I started to REALLY REALLY like Micheal. So yes? Kind of? Maybe?"

Micheal smiles happily to himself. Hell yeah. Jeremy loves Micheal and the whole world knows it.
"Okay it's my go. Dare: Micheal! Sing a song for Jeremy!"

"Wait there's a ukulele around here somewhere" Jeremy checks around the couch, before pulling the instrument from under the couch. He pushes it into Micheals hands, earning a confused look.

"What makes you think I can play this?"

"You're gay. And the ukulele is the gayest instrument ever" Jermey shrugs.

"Okay. 1) don't stereotype gays or instruments. 2) I can play it but that's beside the point"

Jeremy nods enthusiastically.
"Go. Play. Sing"

Micheal strums one of the strings, thinking intensely. A lightbulb goes off in his head. He forms a random chord, and starts strumming like crazy.


Jeremy snorts with laughter so hard that he slips off the couch. His body racks as Micheal throws the ukulele triumphantly in the air.
"Thank you, thank you, you're a wonderful audience"

"I'm pretty sure" wheezes Jeremy, as he climbs back onto the couch. "That you were supposed to sing something romantic. Like, that one Elvis song that makes Destiel shippers cry or something"

"That was the pique of my romantic-ness what are you saying" Micheal pretends to be offended. He whips out his phone again to read the next truth or dare.

"Micheal" the Filipino reads. "When did you first start having a crush on Jeremy?"

Jeremy's jaw slowly drops.
"You've actually never told me this story"

Micheals face is dark red. Look what you've done readers. You've embarrassed him.
"Um. Okay. So. Despite what everyone thinks, I didn't come out of the womb gay for him. It was before the squipcident. Like, maybe three months before? I can remember the day pretty vividly. We had ice cream, and we were sitting on this wall. Jeremy looked up to the sky, and he said, and I quote, "I hope a seagull doesn't take my ice cream". And then I just knew. I knew that I had the gayest crush ever on him"

Jeremy smiles softly.
"The part that you left out, is that a seagull DID steal my ice cream"

Micheal smiles back, planting a kiss on his cheek. "It was a pretty sad day actually"

"Yeah" Jeremy snuggles up his boyfriends arm.
"Super sad"

"Okay. We have one more truth and then we're gonna wrap t up for the day alright? Truth: hey Jermey bUdDy would you marry Micheal in da future?" Micheal reads.

Jeremy's eyes go wide.
"Oh shit um. I uh.....eh hem I uh. I actually thought about this. A little bit. And I think, yeah. Maybe. I'd like to marry this guy. I mean, we're already pretty much married so you know. Just throw in some Mac and cheese"

Micheal raises an eyebrow.
"Mac and cheese?"

"Mac and cheese is what makes a marriage"

Micheal kisses his boyfriend sweetly on the mouth, before averting his attention.
"That's all for today Readers. All the dirty stuff will be next chapter I promise. Comment down even MORE dirty spills and thrills to really make things interesting. Go full nsfw if you want. Until next time......."

He elbows his boyfriend.
"Stay safe and stay gay" Jermey waves.

Finally the part 2!
There actually weren't a lot of dirty dares so please go full fifty shades of you have to. Until next time
- Avery

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