You're Sweeter

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"UGH! THATS FUCKING DISGUSTING!" Jeremy spat out the sweet as Micheal howled with laughter.

"I warned you. Filipino sweets aren't for the faint hearted"

"But that is awful! God I can't get the taste out of my mouth! How do kids eat that?"

"Our tastebuds are stronger then the average humans" he grinned as his friend shook his head.

"Fucking disgusting. Your go Micha" Jeremy  pushed the pile of sweets along the bed towards his friend.

The Filipino boy put a finger on his chin and furrowed his brows, like he was trying hard to decide. With a flourish, he threw his hand in the air and slammed it down in the bed, snatching up a sweet.

"Cornish Dun-dah-bucks" Micheal reads off the shiny red packet. "Oooo intriguing"

He pops the sweet into his mouth with a grin and chomped on the candy.
"Like it?" Jeremy inquires, and his friend replies with an enthusiastic nod.

He swallows the sweet happily, before breaking into a violent cough. "I should've have ate that"

"Why not?"

"I'm allergic"


"I wanted to try one! I'm not allowed sweets normally! I'll be fi-" he brakes into a violent coughing fit, knocking him off the bed.

"That's it. I'm taking you to the doctors. Now. Come on" Jeremy grabs his friends arm and swings it over his shoulder.

Micheal sways back and forth on unsteady feet, nearly knocking the shorter boy over a couple hundred times. They manage to get up the basement stairs and to Micheals red PT cruiser. 

"If I die, you dumb furry" he says over dramatically, making the brunet boy roll his eyes. "Keep your hands off my shit, okay?"


"And you're sure he's fine?"

"Positive. Just a little allergic reaction. I've given him the correct dosage, so he'll be back to normal by morning" the doctor insists, tidying away the weird collection of ingredients from her desk.

"You can take him back home now, if you think you can manage" she adds.

"Won't be a problem" Jeremy insists, walking over to his drugged friend.

"Micheal?" He says softly. "Come on man let's get you into bed"

"I'm sure you'd looooove to get me into bed Jerry" he slurs in reply, as he's helped to his feet.

"Oof. Where you always this tall?" Micheal places a hand on Jeremys head. "Ooooo your hair is soft"

"Hmm yeah so the medicine I gave him will make him drowsy and.....well...filterless for the next few hours. It should be interesting" the doctor adds.

"I gathered" Jeremy thanks her, and drags his friend out of the doors.


"And that's the 78th reason why Love Actually isn't a romance movie" slurs Micheal as they finally reach the dormitory.

"And the 70 NINETH reason is-"

"Micha. You can be quiet now" Jeremy sat his friend on his bed with a sigh.

"Thanks dude. You know, you're a great friend. No no no don't interrupt me. You really are. See all these sweets? You're sweeter then all of them. ALL of them. You're really fucking nice and you're hair is nice. It's so soft and cute. And you have a nice voice too. And you're very pretty. As far as pretty people go, you take the cake"

Jeremy's cheeks fill with color, and he bows his head to hide his embarrassment.

"Awwww don't blush baby. Not on my account anyways. It's all true. You're really awesome. Why don't you believe me? Why would I have a crush on someone who isn't awesome?"

Woah. Did....did he just say that?
"Wait Micha. Do you have a crush on me?" Jeremy's voice shook slightly.

"Well duuuuuuuuuh thanks for noticing" The tan boy tries to roll his eyes, but ends up falling into his back.

He cracks up with laughter, letting out the occasional snort.
"Okay. That's enough. Time to sleep" Jeremy pulls of his friends shoes and discard them, before pulling the duvet over him.

"Thanks Jerry " Micheal yawns, pinching his friends cheek.

Jeremy smiles, before walking over to the door.

"I love you Jer"

He turns around, his mouth agape, to find his drugged friend asleep. Out like a light.
Safe to say, Jeremy Heere went to bed that night happy. Very happy.
Before he escaped into his dreams, he whispered into the darkness,
"I love you too"

I have decided on a tradition.
On everyone of my one shot books, this one shot has to be included.
It started off as Scorbus, then Klance, and now Boyf Riends.
And there are original ones on the way don't worry.
- Avery

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