Spill or Thrill? [1/3]

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"Are you ready Jeremy?" Micheal giggles.

His boyfriend rolls his eyes, but pink stains his cheeks. "It's not like I have a choice sooo"

Micheal playfully kisses his temple with a grin.
"Okay, we got ALOT of truths and dares which is awesome! Some of them are a bit....." He side eyes Jeremy. "......mature, so they'll wait till next time. But for now, let's do the easy stuff, right?"

Jeremy straightens up on Micheals couch, as the Filipino pulls out his phone to open the list of truths and dares.
"Okay! So the first one is a Spill:
Micheal, what's your favorite thing about Jeremy? (Same for Jeremy about Micheal)"

Micheal places his hand on his heart.
"Awwww that is so cuuuuuute"

"You're first Micha" smiles Jeremy.

"Okay. My favorite thing about Jeremy is.......... wow this is surprisingly hard. Um if I had to pick one thing, it'd have to be that he is genuinely beautiful. And I know it's shallow to love someone only for their looks, but god, he is beautiful. The way his face lights up when we beat a level in Apocalypse Of The Damned, how he pouts when I say I have to go home. His soft smile, his laugh, even his glare and his smirk are just so genuinely gorgeous"

Jeremy smiles softly, his eyes not leaving Micheal for a second. Micheal glances over, and they lock eyes. "You see? This-" he gestures to Jeremy's face. "-is beautiful"

Jeremy's cheeks turn red, but he can't stop smiling. "One of my favorite things about Micheal, is how cuddly he is. Like I'll come over to his house, and I'll just fucking sit on him or something, and he'll wrap me in this big hug. Even if I'm having the worst day ever, i know that Micheal will be waiting to cheer me up with a cuddle. It's the absolute best"

Micheal grins. "And it makes the morning afters a lot nicer too"

Jeremy smacks him on the arm.
"MICHEAL! We were having a moment!"

The Filipino just gleefully smirks back.
"Doesn't matter, because this Thrill was gonna ruin the moment anyways:
Jeremy, I dare you to take off Micheals sock using your TEETH ONLY"

Jeremy goes white, pure horror painted over his face. Micheal just cracks up laughing. He scoots down on the couch, stretching his leg out towards Jeremy. He wiggles his sock covered foot.
"Whenever you're ready babe"

Jeremy grimaces, before slowly ducking his head. He takes the top of the sock between his feet, and slowly peels down. His eyes are scrunched up tight. After what feels like an eternity, he has successfully removed the sock from Micheals foot.
He spits it onto the couch, suffering.

"Whoever said that dare, I hate you" He contorts.

"And I love you!" Micheal adds.
He slides back next to Jeremy, and opens his phone again.
"Okay the next one is a Spill:
who asked who our first?"

Micheal smirks at Jeremy.
"Should we tell them the story?"

Jeremy's eyes shoot daggers.
"We swore not to tell another soul"

"I asked first" Micheal says. "But Jeremy defiantly had a play in it-"
Jeremy clamps his hand over his boyfriends mouth.

"That's enough Micheal they don't need to know"
Suddenly, Jeremy yelps and pulls his hand off Micheals mouth.

Micheal smirks. "Hey, I've licked you in stranger places"

"JUST DO THE NEXT ONE!" Jeremy screams into his hands.

"Thrill: Jeremy, sit in Micheals lap for the rest of the game" Micheal reads.

Jeremy groans, plopping himself on his boyfriends lap. Micheal chuckles, wrapping his arms around him, and kissing the corner of his mouth. He closes his eyes, and rocks Jeremy back and forth.

"Micheal? The game?"

Micheal just hums, blissfully holding his boyfriend. He plants another kiss in Jeremy's hair. Jeremy sharply elbows him in the stomach, snapping him back to reality.

"The game Micheal"

"Ah Yes of course" he doesn't loosen his hold on Jeremy, but he whips open his phone.
"Oooo this question is for me. Micheal, do you have tumbler, and if yes, what do you use it for?"

Micheal grins. "I very much do. Two, in fact. One of them was made when jere and I were in a huge Harry Potter phase. The other one, which is the one I use nowadays, is one big shit post. Full of random headcanons, Incorrect t quotes, and weird stuff the squad say. I take great pride in my tumblr"

Jermey laughs. "As you should dude. As you should"

"It's your turn now Jeremy. Wear a hoop skirt and pretend to be a milk maid for five hours"

Utter confusion rides across Jeremy's face.
"A hoop skirt? What even is that? Fuck it I'm googling it"
He whips out his phone and rapidly types, before coming across a picture.
"Dude do one of your moms even have one of these?"

Micheal shrugs. "I don't know. But there's a tutu in the basement closet"

The brunette raises an eyebrow. "Why do you have a tutu?"

"Shhh don't ask don't tell" He slips Jeremy off his lap, and goes to the closet. And there it is. On a hanger. A bright pink tutu covered in glitter. "You'll look sexy in this" he laughs, throwing the skirt to his boyfriend.

Jeremy pulls a face, before pulling the tutu on over his jeans. Micheal sits back on the couch, and Jeremy goes back on his lap.
"I know it isn't EXACTLY a hoop skirt, but he sure looks hot in pink"

"Just continue with the game, please? The tutu itches"

"Okay. Truth: what's the kinkiest shit either of you have done?" Micheal read.

Jeremy's face goes red for like the thirtieth time today. "You can answer this question Micha"

Micheal grins. "Weeeeeellllll, we are some pretty kinky dudes. BDSM is kinda the usual. But without getting into the gory details, Jeremy has a hair pulling kink and is up for ANYTHING"


"WELL I DID! GET OVER IT! But lastly, we have one final dare. Jeremy, let Micheal post something weird on your social media"

Jeremy groans. "Everyone hates me"

"Except me" micheal plants a kiss on his head. "Now give me your phone you twink"

Very very very reluctantly, Jeremy hands Micheal his phone. The Filipino opens Instagram with glee, and starts to rapid type.
"Jeremy Heere, your infamous Instagram now features a cursed image of Garfield with the caption: lovin' that dolphin life"

"Micheal that doesn't even make any sense"

"Exactly" Micheal hurls the phone across the room. "Well folks, that's all the time we have for today. But since so many of you commented crazy shit for us, they'll defiantly be a follow up. So until then, goodbye guys! Come on, say goodbye, Jeremy"

"Goodbye Jeremy" mutters the embarrassed Boy.

"Oh my god you suck"

Thank you guys so much for all the Thrills and Spills! This chapter was stupidly fun to write and I'm starting the part 2 now.
Until then, farewell my good sirs.
- Avery

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