Sleepy Time Bros™

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Dedicated to stonksandmafs who gave me this wonderful idea.

Also, a oneshot where Jeremy and Micheal aren't already dating? More unlikely than you think
(Seriously though in 99.999% of my one shots they're already together it's very strange)

Anyways, they're not dating . . .

. . . yet

Finally, this contains some inappropriate and weird questions so be prepared.

Jeremy thinks it's around 2:30.
He can't be sure, of course. He has too many commitment issues to buy a watch and his phone died an hour ago. Well, he thinks it died. His mind is so scrambled right now he can't be sure of anything.

Micheal, on the other hand, is sure that it's closer to 5.
He has no reason to think this. He just has the habit of assuming these kind of things.

The actual time doesn't matter.

Jeremy and Micheal are tired but too stubborn to admit it. So instead of sleeping, they're lying on the floor staring at Jeremy's bedroom ceiling. I'm not sure how exactly to describe the position they're in, so just look at that picture up there and imagine the boyfs.

Jeremy pushes the air in his mouth from one cheek to the other, making them blow up like a monkey. His blinks count every long second.

"I'm bored" Micheal admits.
He has thrown his hoodie over him like a blanket instead of wearing his hoodie or getting an actual blanket.

"Let's play a game. Like a sleepover game like what girls do in movies" Jeremy proposes, his voice kinda hoarse.

"Yeeesss that sounds like fun" Micheal says with a little giggle. "What game are you thinking of?"

Jeremy ponders for a moment. His brain isn't working at all, leaving him with less than nothing.



"Like truth or dare without the dare because fuck me with a tree branch I am not standing up to do any dares. And we have to answer completely honestly because that makes it fun" Jeremy describes with a complete overuse of hand gestures.

"Yeessss that sounds fun" Micheal practically slurs, drunk on sleep deprivation. "Do you want to ask first?"

"Yes please. Uhhhh . . . what's the most illegal thing you've ever done?"

"Lemme think . . . oh! One time I was buying pot- okay this is kinda a long story but stay with me. I was buying pot when someone noticed me and my dealer. They yelled 'hey!' so we fucking bolted. We ran down a bunch of alleyways and ran through an open door. It was really late so nothing was open, but luckily someone didn't lock the back door to a supermarket. We hid in the storage room there for a while and got high- because why not. After a while we got thirsty so we snuck into the supermarket part and drank like six cartons of milk. That was a fun day" Micheal recounts happily, as if he's telling Jeremy about a day in the park.

Jeremy's jaw drops.
"Dude really? Why haven't you told me that story before?"

"Cause it was illegal- I'm pretty sure it was illegal" Micheal says seriously.

Jeremy hums in agreement.
"Your turn to ask a question man"

"Oh okay . . . um . . . how weird can these questions get?" Micheal asks, which is a very good question to ask to be fair.

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