To Get To His Heart

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You've got to buy her a rose

Jeremy knocks on Micheals door, hopelessly clutching a big bouquet of bright red roses. He wipes the sweat from his forehead, his stomach bubbling. With a deep breath, he presses the doorbell like he has a million times before. The ding dong echoes through his head like it's an empty cave. A every moment feels like eternity, but Micheal finally opens the door. Flowers are immediately shoved under his nose, taking him by surprise.

"Wow what's all this?" He laughs.

Jeremy swallows.
"T-they're for you.......?"

"Was that a question or a statement?"

"Ughh a statement. They're for you" he replies quickly.

"Well thanks. Don't just stand outside you weirdo, let's go down to my basement"
Jeremy awkwardly tugs on the edge of his t shirt as he follows Micheal into his house.

Micheal stops outside the basement door, pushing it open for Jeremy and bowing in an over the top fashion.
"You go ahead and set up the game. I'll get us some ho-ho-holy drinks"

With a smile and a clap on the back, Micheal disappears into the kitchen. All Jeremy can think is, "this is a bad idea"

Compliment her on her clothes

Jeremy sits awkwardly in the basement. He has no reason to feel awkward. He's been in this basement more times then he's been in the bathroom ever in his whole life. But why does the room feel smaller yet bigger? God this is weird.

After a few sweat filled minutes, Micheal emerges with a large bottle of Mountain Dew Red and aviator shades on top of his glasses.

He looks at the black screen, then to Jeremy with a raised eyebrow.
"I thought you were gonna set up the game?"

"I really like your hoodie" Jeremy blurts. "Micheal" he adds for absolutely no reason.

Micheal pulls a face, before laughing at him.
"Thanks. I mean, I've had it forever but that just means it's well broken in"

Micheal puts the bottle on the ground and went over to set up Apocalypse Of The Dammed whole Jeremy's fidgeting gets more and more noticeable.

Say you appreciate that she's smart

"You're really smart Micheal. Like you're super smart and I think that that's awesome"

Micheal turns around to him friend, lips pursed.
"Jere, man, are you okay? You've been acting weird since you broke up with Christine. Is this just a strange grieving process or something? Like do you miss her or something? Man if you want her back I can help you out!"

Jeremy shakes his head.
"No no's not that. I someone else"

Micheal perks up, making a noise that is no way human. He runs and jumps, plopping himself next to Jeremy.
"Ooooo who's the lucky gal?"

Jeremy's eyes shifted around the room, fiddling with his hands.
"It''s actually a guy"

"Wow fuck me for being heteronormative. Is it Rich? I mean Rich is cool but he's with Jake so that's kind of awkward..."

"No it's not Rich"


"No . . . uh . . . actually it's- fuck. You? Ish? I mean I've actually really liked you for a while in like a non platonic way because you're so cool Micheal and you're smart and funny and you're pretty fucking hot oh my god did I just say that wow what ten fuck and I mean I told Christine and she said I should tell you and I'm gonna leave now cause I've made things awkward"
Jeremy quickly climbs off the couch, ready to bolt.

Micheal grabs Jeremy's hand as he tries to leave and stood up, pulling Jeremy into a kiss. It's a chaste kiss, but it takes Jeremy by such a surprise that it leaves him breathless.
Jeremy's mouth is left agape, lost for words beyond belief.

"You excite me sexually" Jeremy breathes, causing Micheal to crack up with laughter.

And that's the way you get to her heart.

Wow I wrote 4 one shots in one day.
Dang fam
- Avery

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