Trembling (part two of Real Reason To Be Hot)

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part two of A Real Reason To Be Hot

Micheal was fuming.
Fucking fuming.
And he was hot. So fucking hot.
He groaned exceptionally load and Jeremy sighed.


Maybe you should shut me up again Micheal thought.
Jeremy rolled back around and raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Wait did I say that out loud?"

Jeremy chuckled. "Micheal Mell you are so fucking gay for me."

"Pffttt no im not"

"Dude, your face went super fucking red and hot cause you thought I was going to make out with you. And I'm pretty sure you got a boner"

"What? No I didn't"

"Yeah. Yeah you did"

"Then you went and fucking kneed that boner didn't you, you total asshat"

"What do you want me to do? Kiss it better?"

"Oh you know you want to"

"Wow. You caught me" Jeremy's voice oozed with sarcasm.

Micheal smirked. It's time for his own revenge.
"You're a total dick Jeremiah Heere. And someone has to put you in your place"

Jeremy scoffed.
"Oh I'm trembling"

Micheal was swift. Like Iron-Man mixed with Sonic and Taylor level of swiftness.
In one motion, he pushed Jeremy onto his back, rolled on top of him, and held both of his hands above his head.
Jeremy's eyes went wide with surprise, not expecting the raw animal actions from his sexually frustrated friend.

Micheal lowered his head, his nose nearly touching Jeremy's. His eyes were wild. And Jeremy found that super hot.

"You trembling now?" Micheal growled.

Jeremy swallowed, his face on fire. The perks of being bi. He opened his mouth to speak, but only stammered sounds came out.
Micheal was loving this. The fact that he can make Jeremy this hot and bothered was all that his gay heart wanted.

Jeremy was dominated. Completely pinned down, sweating buckets, and longing for Micheal to stop teasing.

Suddenly, Micheals shit eating grin was back.
"All right. Night Jere"
He threw himself off of his friend and rolled onto his side. Jeremy exhaled a deep breath, completely hot and bothered.
No way.


"Shhhh Jeremy I'm trying to sleep"

"You're an asshole"

"Karmas a bitch"

"This is because I didn't-"


"So you wanted me to-"


Jeremy rolled his eyes, but he was still smirking.
"Okay. Okay Micheal you win okay?"

Micheal flipped over, face to face with his friend. He smiled triumphantly, as Jeremy pretended to gag.
"We can go to sleep for real now" Micheal said softly, smiling sweetly.

"You don't even want your prize?"

"My prize?"

Jeremy held Micheals face again, pushing him over and jumping onto top of him again, so they were back where they were.
Micheal raised an eyebrow.
"How do I know this isn't a hetero prank?"

Jeremy smiled as Micheals hands refound his hips.
"This is how"

Finally, their lips connected. At first they were cautious, yet loving. Moving to their own steady rhythm. But the sticky summer air had made them to hot, and the kiss quickly deepened. Micheal pulled the lanky boy closer, as his arms wrapped around his neck. They tilted their heads to the side, and could feel sparks flowing through them.
All the time they spent together, all the sleepovers they shared, all wasted.

They should've been doing this instead.

The ending we all deserved.
This may or may not be proof that Jeremy bottoms btw

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