Would You Rather? [ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ] [2/4]

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"COME ONE COME ALL! COME SHORT COME TALL! COME THIN COME FAT! COME WITH THAT THICC ASS!" Micheal bangs pots together, hollering at the top of his lungs.

Jeremy presses his hands against his ears, his eyes scrunched up tight.
"FAT DOESN'T RHYME WITH ASS!" He yells over the clanging noise.

Micheal suddenly stops, looking at Jeremy with a deadpan expression. The pot on top of his head slips down over his eyes.

"How fucking dare you" he says. "I compose a masterpiece of a song and you give me sass? I'm very disappointed"

Jeremy is not impressed.

"Well I'm disappointed in your face" he remarks.

Micheal probably resembles a shocked pikachu right now. Jeremy can't tell, because the huge pot has covered most of his face.

"Readers! Hello! Didn't see you there!" Micheal quickly throws the pans behind him, grinning like nothing happened.

"So the author had to delete her screenshots of you questions because her phone has no memory so some of your questions may be missing"

Jeremy slowly lowers his jaw to an exaggerated shocked expression.

"Jeremy is very surprised too, you can see. But! We shall power through! And we will play the game. BUT we're gonna put a twist; whatever our answer is, we have to do."

"Hold the fucking phone" Jeremy exclaims suddenly. "In the last round we had to chose between eating mayonnaise and a stick of butter! I'm not eating that! I could be lactose intolerant!"

"You're not lactose intolerant" Micheal laughs a little.

"But I could be"

"Too bad we gotta keep things interesting. So! Jerry babe, would you mind reading the first one"

With a face of fear, Jeremy fixes his posture, adjusting the blue flannel that sat on his grey t shirt.
"Micheal- this one is for you. Micheal, would you rather break up with Jeremy or murder one of ur moms?"

Micheal looks directly into the camera, staring into the soul of whoever wrote that with broken and sorrow filled eyes.
"Who-whoever wrote that i-i-is soulless. Whoever you are, I hope you're happy. Because you have broken my soul"

His voice breaks at the end for emphasis. Look what you did you sick bastard.

"Wait Micheal are you actually gonna murder someone? You can't murder someone" Jeremy is on the verge of freaking out.

Micheal swivels suddenly, looking to Jeremy.
"I'm breaking up with you. We are broken up. You happy readers? You broke up the couple that you're here to see!"

Jeremy is flabbergasted- actually, that isn't even the word.
"I can't believe we're broken up"

"I'll ask you out again at the end of the game, but until then, we're free men" Micheal is still rather shaken up from the murder question.

"I'll read the next question too" Jeremy says gently. "Micheal. Would you rather date a girl or burn all your pride flags?"

"Oh my go-" Micheal stands up, throwing his hands in the air and screaming: "WHY CANT YOU GUYS JUST ASK NORMAL FUCKING QUESTIONS!"

"No it's fine it's fine" Micheal sits back down, pulling out his phone. "I'm gonna call Jenna, she's cool she'll date me, and until the end of this game she's gonna be my girl-"

Micheal gags. Physically gags.
"Sorry, my girlfriend. God that feels weird"

He calls up Jenna, who answers immediately.
"Hey Jen I don't know how to explain this but please just go with it. Jeremy and I broke up- OH MY GOD STOP SCREAMING IM SORRY WE DId it as part of a game okay? We're getting back together in a few minutes but until then you gotta be my girlfriend okay? Don't ask why. Okay . . . thank you so much Jen you're the best"

Micheal shudders as he hangs up.
"I'm in a heterosexual relationship. I hate this stupid game"

Jeremy picks up his phone, deciding to read the next question.
"God it's for Micheal again- would you rather get salt poured into your eyes or sacrifice Jeremy in a satanic ritual?"

Micheal looks directly into the camera. He looks right at the readers. Yes you. He's looking at you.


"No." Micheal confirms. "Please just skip to the wholesome stuff okay? Like 'would you rather kiss or hug Jeremy?'"

"Okay so I'm gonna skip the one where I get salt in my eyes and sacrificed in a ritual" Jeremy scans through the comments quickly, landing on a nice(ish) question.

"Would you rather be killed by Jojo Siwa, Danny DeVito or Big Bird?" He reads.

"Finally some good questions" Micheal sighs. "Danny DeVito can murder me any day. And that's the gay guarantee"

"I'm team Big Bird. Not sure why" Jeremy says. We know why Jeremy. It's case you're a furry.

"Okay another wholesome one . . . So apparently this question is really important. Would you rather have a pet rat or a pet snake?"

"Snake" they say in unison.

"Shit! 800 words already" Micheal claps his hands together, gaining everyone's attention.
"So, you guys have left a lot of questions which is awesome thank you. There are way too many for Jerry and I to answer in a chapter, so we're gonna reply to some comments directly.

All the questions are super funny and we don't want to miss of on answering them. Keep them coming! You'll get an answer one way or another"

"SO! Until next time (and there will be a next time) this is Jeremy Heere and Micheal Mell saying-" Jeremy says, gesturing to Micheal.

"I LOVE YOU ALL STAY SAFE!" He screeches. Cause he does love all of you. Even the ones that asked him soul shattering questions.

Not a lot to say here other than this ending will make no sense once this pandemic is over. Stay safe guys!

- Avery

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