ʀɪᴄʜᴊᴀᴋᴇ || Bikesexual [2/2]

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Welcome back to the two part series that I'm fully writing before publishing for once!

This is the longest chapter I've EVER WRITTEN at 3100+ words which is crazy. Are my chapters too long? Should I break up longer chapters (like this one) into parts so they're easier to read? I won't be offended by any answer I'm genuinely curious.

Rich has been using his bike a lot more. Not just to ride to community college or work. He rides to the shops whether he needs a full shop or a carton of milk; he rides to visit his friend Brooke despite her apartment being a five minute walk; sometimes he even rides for fun.

But all this riding can lead to a few mishaps. The chain falls off or the bell breaks or a tire gets punctured or Rich falls into a fucking ditch.

Each time this happens, he brushes himself off and wheels himself into Wheely Good.
Jeremy is always waiting behind he counter, nodding hello and yelling to Jake that there's a code red. Even after coming to the store more times than he can count, Rich has no idea what code red means. Rich takes the bike to Jake; they chat, banter and flirt and Rich either leaves with his bike or his heart beating out of his chest.

Today- or more accurately, tonight- Rich rolls to the shop with a dented wheel and broken brakes. He catches Jake as he's locking the shop up for the night.

"Hey" Rich says, catching his attention.

Jake looks to him with a half smile.
"Hey. What happened to her now?"

Rich taps the handlebars.
"We were cycling through a forest with a friend and we crashed into a tree"

The taller boy throws his head back, laughing into the evening sky.
"Gosh that must be my favourite one yet. Well, that one and the time you thought you could ride your bike underwater"

"Yeahhh that was a weird day"

Jake and Rich look at each other for a minute. Jake remembers that he's closing Wheely Good and gestures to the door.
"Your timing couldn't be worse, actually. The store is closed, I won't be able to fix your bike"


"But hey" Jake unlocks the door. "I can take your bike in, give you a lift home and fix it up tomorrow"

"Yeah- Yeah! I like the sound of that" Rich is going to get a lift with Jake. Jake! The guy he's been fantasising about in the shower is going to drive him home.

The door is pushed open and Rich hands over Britta. Jake disappears into the dark store. He doesn't turn on the lights for some reason. Rich waits outside, his cold hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets.

His wandering eyes land on Jake's car. Jake must be a college student and the bike shop can't pay much, but damn, he has a nice car. Rich isn't sure of the model but he knows that red cars are expensive; It's common knowledge. Either Jake has a sugar daddy or he's loaded.

"Ready to go?" Jake's voice cuts into Rich's thoughts.

The shorter boy snaps back to reality. He shots Jake a quick but not too enthusiastic nod.
"Just waiting for you, my dear"

Very smooth Rich.
After re-locking the shop doors, Jake and Rich climb into the car. Rich takes a deep breath of the new car smell. Is his car new, or just really clean? Rich doesn't care. He just relaxes into the plush seat.

"Whereabouts do you live?" Jake asks as he cuts on the ignition.

"Canonico Street- it's a left up here, I'll direct you"

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