Running Because I Need To Prove A Point

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Prepare for a spam of College AU's because they're my new drug
(Don't do drugs kiddos. Get high on life and give good hugs)


~Jeremy's P.O.V~

What are the best songs to work out to?

Easy. Taylor Swift and Panic At The Disco.

I pop in my super-cool-super-expensive exercise earphones and shuffle my bitching playlist.

"I promise that you'll never find another like me" blares the music.

I step onto the treadmill, adjusting the controls to my personal liking. The gym is practically empty which is perfect. I hate the idea of people seeing me getting sweaty and seeing my long legs in teeny tiny shorts and just ew.

I press a button, and the treadmill starts to move. I brake into a light jog, knowing that I'll gradually pick up the pace as I go on.
So there I am, going pretty face at this stage, Brendon Urie bopping in my head, and someone pulls up to the treadmill right next to me.
Now, let me explain. There are about twelve treadmills in a row. The only one that's taken, is mine. So why in the holy name of fuck, did this guy take the one right next to me. I just stare forward, too scared to look at them.

In my peripheral vision, I see them mount the treadmill. I think it's a guy. I'll go with a guy. So this guy is on his treadmill, and yup he's defiantly wearing shorts. He presses a button and starts jogging.

"The death of a bachelor, oh oh oh, letting the water fall" sings my earplugs. "Death of a bachelor, oh oh oh, seems so fitting for happily ever af-"

The music stops. My fast panting fills my ears. You're fucking kidding me. My phone died. I yank the earplugs out of my ears and throw them over the top of the treadmill.

"Phone died?"
The guy on the next treadmill is dark with curly hair. He wears a red sports shirt and black shorts. He's going at around the same pace as me.

"Yup. There goes my only workout motivation" I pant in reply, still running.

The guy nods in understanding. He looks to his treadmill. More exactly, the dial that adjusts the treadmill speed. Raising an eyebrow, he turns up the dial a little bit. He turns to me again, giving me a look that says, "your move now motherfucker"

I pull a face, my hand turning up my dial.
He chuckles breathlessly, "oh, you're on"

His dial goes up.
My dial goes up.
My breathing quickens and my feet slap the treadmill.
His dial goes up.
My dial goes up.
I didn't realize it was humanly possible to sweat this much.
His dial goes up.
I crack mine up to the max.

I can't physically run this fast! This is a bad idea. The guy spins his up to max too, stumbling at the sudden burst of speed. The race is truly on. We both sprint on the spot like a pair of fucking lunatics.


"IF WE DIE" the guy manages to say. "-IM MICHEAL"

"IM JEREMY" I reply.

As soon as my name escapes my lips, the guys- I mean Micheals foot slips on the treadmill. With a shriek, we goes flying off the treadmill and onto the ground. I burst into laughter, and in the progress, my foot lands on the treadmill funny. I lunge forward, and shoot backwards. Pain surges through my body, as I hit the ground.

My head hits the shiny floor, and I stare up at the ceiling. My back. My legs. My arms. All hurt. And the treadmill is still running. I hear laughter underneath me.
Breathless, wheezy laughter. Someone is making their way towards me. Micheal flops down beside me with a groan.

" intense motherfucker" I wheeze.

Micheal laughs in reply. "You're the one who wanted to race"

"Actually, you wanted to race!"

For a minute we just lay there, breathless. Counting ceiling tiles above our heads.
"If there's one thing I learned" I finally say. "Is that exercise sucks"

"Agreed. Hey" he props up on one elbow. "You ever heard of Apocalypse of The Damned?"

I prop up and face him with a grin.
"Can't get past Level Nine-"

"-the cafetorium!" We exclaim in unison.

Micheal gets to his feet and offers his hand.
"Come on. Let's earn back those calories we burned off"

Just something short and cute.
Stay gay my dudes.
- Avery

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