Those Who Stone Together, Bone Together

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[A/N i thought of this title in class today so I'm freestyle writing it now. Maybe smut I don't know yet]

——Micheal P.O.V——
Can you keep a secret? Can you?
Like proper keep a secret?

If I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell? Like pinky promise? Interlock your two pinkies right now and promise not to tell anyone.

Okay. I trust you.
The secret is, Jeremy's a virgin.
Not just a sex virgin, but a drugs virgin too. Ha. Such a twink.
Sorry if I'm weird right now. I'm kinda high.

Jeremy and I are chilling in my basement. I'm sprayed across couch as Jeremy sits against the couch, cross legged on the floor. What a monumental day it is today. Jeremy wanted to get high. Now we're high.

"Race car race car" Jeremy mumbles.

"Duuuuude you are w o k e"
I sloppily turn on my right side, so my head is next to Jeremy's.

"Tell me about it" Jeremy slurs, looking like he's about to fall asleep. "Uhhhhh I am so gay"

"Jeremy, I'm the gay one here" I laugh.

"Nah nah nah but listen, alri'?" Jeremy turns around so he's sort of facing me.
Jeremy seems to get a bit loose lipped when he's high.

"I have never gotten stoned before, right? Cause I know Ill be spilling all the shit in my head cause I've been keeping secrets wayyy to long. But, I wanna like, impress you man. That's how fucking gay I am. I took fucking drugs just to impress you" he garbles.

Hah. Jeremy's hair looks really funny right now.
"But why would you wanna impress me?" I ask sort of comically.

"Have you not been listening, Micheal? Because I'm gay for you. Obviously"

I flop onto my back and place my hands behind my head.
"psshhh sure. I'm not falling for this again"

"but michealllllll" my friend wines.

"but jeremeeeeyyyy"

   "what if I actually liked you? Like pro homo liked you?"

   "then I'd be the happiest guy on earth"
One of the only flaws I have in my perfect system is the lack of self control I get when I'm high.

   "but like, what would you dooo?" Jeremy stumbles to his feet, blindly searching for the couch. He finally finds it, and plops himself down on my outstretched legs.

   "if you said you liked me?" I completely ignore the fact that he's crushing my legs to oblivion.

   "id probably kiss you" I answer truthfully.
Why did I answer truthfully? God sakes Micheal you know you should always lie

Jeremy snorted with laughter.
"lol das gae"

I scoff.
"Ya that's the point Jere"

"Soooooooo if I confessed my undying love for you, you'd kiss me? Nahhh dont believe it"

"You testing me Jere?"

"Yes. Because I think you're a fucking pussy who's all talk"


Jeremy dismisses me with his hand.
"Whatever. You're just avoiding the fact that you're too much of a wimp to kiss me"

[A/N I'm drying this is cringey as fuck]

"Fuck you Jeremy. I'm not a wimp"

He leans forward tauntingly. "Prove it"

And just like that, I reach over and grab the collar of his shirt. I pull him in and slam our lips together. Jeremy gasps in surprise, and I take the opportunity to slide my tongue in his mouth. Jeremy crawls forward a little and into my lap, wrapping his legs around me. His arms snake around my neck as he desperately pulls me closer.
My hands find his waist. I squeeze gently causing him to moan.

My best friend just moaned into my fucking mouth Jesus Christ it's boner city up in here

I grab Jeremy more desperately, pushing him down flat against the couch. I pull away a bit, hovering over Jeremy's face.
Holy shit.
He's so cute when he's breathless. His cheeks are pink, his hair is falling over his face and his striking blue eyes are wide and, dare I say, lustful?

My fingers gently stroke away the loose strands of hair on his forehead.
"H-hey Micheal?" Jeremy says breathlessly.


"I-I'm gay"

I chuckle.
"Welp. Looks like I gotta kiss you now"

I duck down and slam our lips together once more.

I thought of the title and I wrote a super shit one shot based on it. I'll rewrite it when I have time
Yeet this was cringe

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