Tell Me What You Desire To See

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I learned earlier that erised backwards is desire and i simultaneously feel smart and dumb.

Also, im switching up my usual thing. In this one shot, Jeremy and Micheal aren't already dating. Weird I know.

Also also also, should I do the Mirror of Erised for other BMC characters?


Jeremy deadpans at Micheal, clearly unimpressed. His best friend grins proudly in a way that can only be described as :D. Jeremy bites back a smile at Micheal's adorableness.

He gestures to the head statue on the pedestal.
"Get it cause it looks like George Washington"

"Yes Micheal I get it" Jeremy says, walking away.

He steps through the large crowded storage space, dodging sheet covered piles and stacks of boxes and books. The duo got roped into cleaning Micheal's Grandmother's storage unit- which isn't so much of a unit. From the outside, it looks like a small house with no windows. But on the inside, it feels like the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter; stuffed with random shit that seems to go on forever.

Considering the amount of stuff inside, the boys decided to not clean it at all and just mess around with the old time-y junk.

"Oh Jeremy look! I found some old photos! Ooo there's some beach pics here too . . . wait is she- yep. She's naked. These are porn pictures. Fuckin' gross" He can hear Micheal throwing the cursed pictures as far as he can.

Jeremy squeezes between two bookcases, finding himself face to face with a tall white sheet. He instinctively reaches up and yanks it down. His reflection in a large, rusting mirror stares back at him. The glass is clouded around the edges, and words in latin or something line the intricate edges.

"Hey Mikey look at this" Jeremy calls, his eyes not leaving the mirror.

"Ooo vague I love it" This comment is followed by comically loud crashing. Michael finally slips in beside Jeremy, looking weirdly disheveled and out of breath.

"I didn't knock anything over just there and you can't prove me wrong" he pants.

Jeremy laughs a little, making Micheal smile. The pair look at the mirror, which seems to look older the longer they look at it.

"This is a sexy mirror" Micheal admits, looking it up and down.

"Keep it in your pants man" Jeremy jokes, locking eyes with his reflection.

Micheal laughs a little before abruptly stopping.
"Huh this mirror is really old, it's warping the reflections. Look, it makes you look like you have a beard and makes you look taller than me too-" Micheals joke-y tone is replaced by awkward and concerned laughter.

Jeremy looks to him, noticing his friends tight knit brows and shifting eyes.
"Mike? You okay?"

"Yeah it's just . . . this mirror is weird. I see us, but like, we're older" he says slowly.

"Like Beverly's vision in IT?"

"I don't know what you're talking about I've never seen that movie*" Micheal shakes his head clear and continues. "You have a bit of a beard, and my hair is longer. Also, just saying dude, you are kinda ripped. Just a little"

Jeremy scoffs a laugh to cover his blush. Micheals eyes go wide. He looks around sharply, checking under his arms and over his shoulders.

"Micheal what are you looking for?"

Micheal looks back into the mirror, smiling softly while tension creases his face.
"This is gonna sound crazy but . . . there are kids next to us in our reflection. One of them- a boy, looks nearly exactly like you. Right down to your eyes and floppy hair-"

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