Soul For A Soul . . . Please? [2/2]

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This is dedicated to Plusiegaming and OwO_King who really really REALLY wanted this to happen

This is angst. Pure unfiltered angst because I'm sad.

BUT I'm making an alternate ending to this that's a lot happier so if you want a happy ending, just wait a few weeks for that : )

Brooke is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Locally sourced bread, smooth peanut butter and jelly from the farmers market. The sun shines through the compounds large windows, lighting up the modern kitchen. She hums something as she makes the simple snack; Drifting across the room as if she's walking on clouds.

Brooke making a sandwich isn't important to this story. Sure, maybe it illustrates the strange peace and stillness of a post-snap world; but really it's just a peek of the happy world that is about to be changed forever.

And to quote a certain pansexual demon, "she's never gonna eat that sandwich".

Through the giant windows, Brooke spots a familiar craft landing on the grass. The craft opens up, making Brooke smile. "Michael and Jeremy are back!" She yells into the compound, pulling her giant grey cardigan around her.

She runs into the main room, quickly followed by Rich, Jake, Chloe, Christine and Jenna. The all look to each other with a strange mix of fear and excitement. They're so close to having all the stones; to having everyone back. They feel borderline sick with fear and excitement. The main doors open.

For a moment, time stands still. The rapid beating of their hearts stops.

Micheal steps into the compound. The light from the doors turn him into a silhouette. No one says anything, scared to break the serenity of unknowing. Micheal's clenched fist weakens and a yellow stone slips from his fingers. He goes to speak but nothing come out.

Christine is the first to react. "YES YOU GUYS GOT IT!"

She tackles Micheal into a hug, nearly knocking the unbalanced boy over. She buries her head into his shoulder, as the others start to scream in happiness too.

"WE HAVE ALL THE STONES!" Rich shrieks, grabbing Chloe into a throttling hug.

Jenna and Chloe clap each other on the back, laughing hysterically in relief.
Christine breaks her choking hug to cup Micheal's face. Confusion and denial falls over her features as she takes in his broken expression. Her suddenly cold hands and shifting eyes ask a question she doesn't want the answer to.

Luckily- or unluckily, Jenna is the one to ask it.
"Hey Micheal, where's Jeremy? Is he still on the ship"

Everything falls apart.
Micheal falls to the floor. His weak knees buckle under his crushing guilt. He wants to collapse onto the tile and cry a hole into the ground. He wants to scream until his soul breaks- assuming his soul isn't already broken.

His friends rush to his side. Supporting hands hold him upright, holding his face comfortingly. Tuned out voices ask if he's okay. He can't tell who's who, but he knows they need to know what happened.

"When we got to Vormir we were forced to make a trade" Micheal chokes, his jaw too heavy for his face. He takes a deep breath. "Soul for a soul"

The others look to each other, understanding what he means but too afraid to admit it. Brooke clutches onto her cardigan, pulling the fabric in opposite directions.

"Micheal" Rich gently holds his shoulder as if he can shake him back to reality. His voice shakes and his face drains. "What do you . . . what do you mean?"

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