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I'm going back and rewriting old chapters, so this one is completely different to the original Shotgunning.
I think this one is a LOT better.
Also, expect more road trip AU's ;)

Also, characters from a musical bonding over musicals in my musical one shot book? M o r e l i k e l y t h a n y o u t h i n k

Jeremy Heere has two phones.

One is his personal phone. It's where he calls his friends and his dad and the boss of his part time job at 7-11. And it's where he has downloaded all of the Papa *insert food here*-ia franchise.

The other one is a special phone. It barely rings, but when it does it blasts the Star Wars theme and dents Jeremy's heart racing. This isn't just a special phone, it's a phone more serious and important than you can imagine.

The phone rings at 2:57 am.
Jeremy wakes up immediately, grabbing the phone and answering it. His heart is racing from the shock of suddenly waking up and the cool night air nips his bare chest.


"Chloe" he says.

"We've found one"

"Text me the information I'm on my way"

Jeremy hangs up. He pulls out a large backpack from under his bed which is already half packed. He throws in a few pairs of underwear, along with his wallet and a few other essentials. He puts on some shorts, a striped t shirt, a cardigan and a cap, nearly running out the door without shoes.

He scrawls a note onto the kitchen table for his roommate. And with that he's out the door in less than fifteen minutes.

He reads Chloe's text as he walks to the bus stop. They're meeting on the outskirts of town and could be gone for about a week. Jeremy instantly regrets not packing more underwear.

So why is Jeremy meeting Chloe in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night because of a vague text message?

Jeremy Heere and Chloe Valentine are UFO enthusiasts. Serious UFO enthusiasts. They have studied paranormal sightings, taken interviews and even have an office space in Chloe's house dedicated to their red string boards and tin foil hats.

They've been doing it for so long with so much dedication, they're basically a business. Well, business is a stretch. They're more of a glorified fan club with a total of three and a half members.

The bus stop takes Jeremy to the outskirts of town, where he only has to walk half a mile to the meeting spot. He walks nonchalantly through the dark streets, airpods in his ears.

He reaches the meet-up point at around half three. A red car is parked on the side of the road.

I know what you're thinking,
"Jeremy! Don't go into the random car!"

And you would usually be right. But Jeremy knows that it's safe because of the sticker on the back window. I believe in Ugly Fucking Ostriches (and UFO'S of course)

A figure steps out from behind the car. Although they're parked under the illuminating streetlight, they managed to stay obscured from Jeremy's vision. Doesn't matter that Jeremy can't see him, he knows who it is.

"Jesus Christ" Jeremy hisses, pulling the earphones out of his ears and shoving his hands deep into his pockets.

"Where's Chloe?" He asks curtly as he approaches the car.

The figure steps properly into the light, his red hoodie highlighting like a beacon. He practically glares at Jeremy. His face drips with the sarcasm he has yet to speak.

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