Stupid Ghoulies (Swetty)

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In this one-shot, Betty and Sweet pea are already dating. Also, Kevin and Archie are in the serpents plus betty is Fp kids so Jugheads twin.This is all in SP Pov.Also later in the story there is RG which means Random Ghoulie

SP Pov

Betty Jones, who is she? Well, she's my girlfriend, best friend, soulmates, but mainly love of my life. She is serpent queen. She has always had a lot on her hands and does a lot at once. She never takes anytime off to just breath. Betty was at the bar doing her serpent queen jobs and stuff when out of nowhere the Ghoulies came through the doors and starting yelling orders. That was until Betty stepped in 

B:What the hell are you doing here

 She says as she crossed her arms over her chest

P:Your not serpent queen anymore I am and the serpents will listen to me more then you.
B:Over my dead body are you going to be serpent Queen your a trader and lost the right to call yourself a serpent
P:Try me

Penny takes a step forwards. Betty walked up to her and punched her straight in the jaw

B:You lost the serpents as your family you also lost your daughter completely get the hell out of this bar right the hell now

We are shocked .This is the first time we heard about penny's daughter. It was like she was talking about herself as penny's daughter


That was the last thing we heard before there was a gunshot. The serpents and ghoulies started to look around to see if anyone was shot but Betty just stood there like nothing happened.

SP:Betty you good

I ask that as I walk behind her to see if she's okay but once I asked that and got there my stomach dropped Betty turned around with blood soaking through her shirt

B:I love you

Was the last thing she said before she fell into my arm lifeless. Once the serpents saw that Betty was shot they went after the ghoulies everyone was gone but Jug, Toni, Fp, Fangs, Cheryl, Kevin, Archie, and me. We all looked at Betty's lifeless body until we all started to walk to our cars, and do trucks I was in the truck with Betty, Fp and Jughead and everyone else went with Cheryl. I can't lose her is all I can think she is my everything and I need her she was the one who was getting me through life she is the one who helped me when my dad passed away she is the one who helped me get through my first break up she got me through everything I need my girlfriend. We got to the hospital in 5 minutes but the bar was 35 minutes away we broke at least 24 laws but Fp is the sheriff so they can't stop him. Jug took betty from me as he ran into the emergency room yelling for help. They took her and 15 minutes later everyone else got their plus a few more that I think Archie and Kevin called. We were all in the waiting room waiting and waiting just so we can know that Betty was okay sooner or later they have to tell us something.

Fp:Pea can we talk for a minute

I nod and we walk outside

Fp:Are you okay? He ask with a worried look on his face.
SP:No, I didn't protect her I promised her I would and I didn't. I had tears in my eyes
Fp:Pea, you can't always protect her you know that right
Sp:Of course this time I could of through but I didn't. I was at my breaking point
Jb:Dad I know your busy but they have news on betty.

We all walk into the waiting room and see a nurse who walks over to us

N:Are you Elizabeth Jones father and boyfriend? the nurse asked with a sweet, caring smile
Fp:Yes that's us.
N:I came to inform you that Elizabeth is okay she was shot in be ribs and they will heal it's just going to take a little bit of time.She says but both Fp and I could see she was leaving something out
Sp:What else is there your hiding something we can tell. I said in a stern voice.
N:I'm not allowed to tell you guys,Elizabeth said she doesn't want you guys to know at least her dad I mean she said she will tell you.She said pointing at me.
Fp:When can I see her?hes very worriedly for his daughter. N:After her and her boyfriend talk. The nurse motions me to follow her.
Fp:Sweet pea be gentle with her for me please," he says that as I start to walk away
Sp:Ya, of course, I will be gentle.

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