Chapter 1: Get the Hint

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"Sam! Your break finished 10 minutes ago. Theres tables that need cleaning." Chris shouts over at me from the kitchen.

I actually got on my break 10 minutes late, so I'm making up for it. I roll my eyes and ignore him. I scroll through my messages on my mobile, deleting most of them. Guys really don't get the hint if you don't text them back... I thought it was only us women that were like that? Keep texting, sounding all needy until you get a reply. I should stop giving my number out at weekends, that might help. I get a message come through.

I really enjoyed Saturday night. Fancy meeting up this week? It would be nice to get to know you x

I sigh and delete the message, and then block his number. I dont even remember his name. I thought men understood one night stands? Maybe I'm just unlucky and get the "I want something serious" type.

"Sam!" Chris shouts.

I take my eyes away from my mobile. Now hes standing in front of me.

"What?!" I give him a look.

"Get off your phone and go work! We're getting busy."

I sigh heavily and put my phone away. I stand up and storm past him, walking out to the restaurant. I grab a cloth and start cleaning some tables. I feel something hit my bum and I turn around. Alicia smiles at me, as she plays with her cloth. I smile and hit her back playfully. She laughs and starts wiping down the table next to mine.

"Do you remember that guy I was with Saturday night?" I ask her.

She lowers her eyebrows and tries to think.

"Kind of. I was so drunk last weekend." She makes a face.

I smirk and nod my head.

"You were so out of it. I haven't seen you that drunk in a while."

"Yeah. I won't be getting like that again for a long time." She laughs. "Oh wait, wasn't his name Luke or something?"

"Oh yeah, now I sort of remember." I nod.

She smiles and gives me a look.

"Did he leave a good impression on you or somethin?"

"No." I pull a face and chuckle. "He text me. He wants to get to know me." I roll my eyes.

"Oooh. The relationship type."

"Yep. I blocked his number."

"Girrrl." She laughs.

"What? I'm not going to lead him on."

"Poor Luke."

We both laugh.

"He was cute though." She shrugs. "Well, what I can remember."

"Yeah... the sex wasn't the best though."

"5 minutes?"

"Ha! Try two."

"Oh." She pulls a face. "Big... small?"

"Uh... average." I shrug.

She laughs.

"Bye Luke." She waves her hand.

I shake my head and giggle.

"Alicia, customers!" Chris shouts over at us, trying to stop us talking to each other.

"Ok." She nods at him.

She sighs and I roll my eyes. He watches us and waits for Alicia to move.

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