Chapter 55: To Meghan and Michael

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Shit, I'm about to see Michael. I know I should say no and we shouldn't go over, but I kind of want to. I'm a bit drunk at this point so I'm feeling a bit more confident. I down my drink and then look at Jace.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "I'm just going to use the bathroom and we'll go."

"Sure." He nods.

I smile and leave the kitchen. I go up to my bathroom and grab my makeup. I brush out my hair and freshen myself up. My heart is beating so fast. I feel nervous about seeing him. I mess around with my hair and then leave the bathroom. I'm wearing leggings and a jumper. Maybe I should change? But then Jace might wonder why I'm getting dressed up. I shake my head and don't bother changing. What I'm wearing is fine. I don't want to look like I'm trying to impress or something.

Me and Jace leave my house and walk over to Michael and Megs. I stumble a little bit before getting to the front door and Jace puts his arm around me, making sure I'm ok.

"Hey, are you alright?" He chuckles.

"Yeah." I laugh softly.

He smirks and knocks on the door. We wait a while and then Meghan opens the door, looking more drunk than what she did before. Music blasts through the house.

"Hey you two! Thanks for coming." She smiles widely. "The more the merrier! Come in."

We smile and walk inside. The house is full of their friends and family. It's a bit crowded. We follow Meg in to the kitchen and she gets us a drink.

"Theres food on the table so help yourselves." She smiles.

"Thank you." Me and Jace smile.

I glance around, looking for Michael.

"So how are you both? How was your Christmas?" She asks.

I look at Jace.

"Not the best..." He makes a face.

"Oh, why not?" She frowns.

"Well... uh, my dad passed away Christmas day."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." She frowns and shakes her head. "Its horrible for anyone to lose a parent, but on Christmas day too? That's terrible."

Jace nods.

"I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to come over. If you don't feel up to it I understand." She nods.

"No, no. It's fine. I like the distraction you know?"

"Aw, yeah." She frowns. "I really am sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what you're going through." She holds his arm.

"Thank you." Jace shows a little smile.

"Excuse me a moment, I'm going to find where my husband has got to." She chuckles.

I make a face. I wish she wouldn't refer to Michael as her husband. They aren't fucking married yet.

"Sure." Jace nods.

I sigh and sip my drink. We hear laughing from the living room and see some people dancing. I recognize some of Meghans friends. Jace smiles and sips his drink.

"You wanna dance?" He asks.

"What? No." I giggle.


"We don't know these people."


"And I'm drunk. I'll look stupid."

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