Chapter 28: We've Set A Date

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I'm not sure what to make of yesterday, but I know I had a nice time. It felt like old times between me and Jace, but i dont know if things will go any further yet. In the back of my mind i still have the thought of him being unfaithful, so hes got a long way to go if he thinks I'll get back with him. Theres no magic trick for this. He cant just wave a magic wand and expect me to fall in to his arms.

I walk home carrying a load of shopping. I put down all the bags and unlock my door. I take some and bring them inside, leaving the rest for a second because theres so many. I put them down in the kitchen and then hear Meg call my name. I sigh and roll my eyes. I walk out of the kitchen, and back to the front door. She smiles at me.

"Would you like some help?" She asks.

Theres only a few bags left.

"Uh, ok sure. Thanks." I show a quick smile.

She picks a couple up and I pick the rest up. She follows me in to my kitchen.

"I'm really sorry I haven't had the chance to speak to you since the Halloween thing."

"That's fine, honestly." I smile.

"And I felt so embarrassed." She frowns. "I dont usually drink that much."

"You were having fun, you didnt embarrass yourself."

"Yeah... and thanks for holding my hair back while I was being sick."

"You'd of done the same for me." I laugh softly. "And anyway, it was Michael who was looking after you."

She nods showing a wide smile.

"You know, after we had that chat in the toilets everyhing goes blank." She laughs. "Sorry if I rambled on. I didn't really know what I was saying. You didnt need to hear all that."

"You didn't." I smile. "Seriously dont worry. You were nothing compared to how I usually get. You were fine."

She smiles.

"I also wanted to come by and tell you that me and Michael have finally set a date for our wedding."

I raise my eyebrows and show half a smile.

"Really? That's great."

"I know. I cant believe it. After all this time we finally have a date set! I can finally get things ordered."

"So there was no need for you to worry after all." I smile.

"I guess not." She laughs and makes a face. "I suppose my dead bride costume worked on him."

"Yeah..." I laugh softly. "Sounds like it."

"It was such a shock because all this time he hasn't been that interested... and then all of a sudden he wants to set a date. You didn't say anything to him did you? About me being drunk and blurting out everything."

"No." I shake my head. "That's your business... it wouldn't be my place to say. I haven't known either of you for very long either."

"I know." She nods. "It just seemed out of the blue with how hes being, but I guess I shouldn't complain or question it too much." She smiles. "I'm just so happy and excited!"

"I bet." I smile and start unpacking some of the shopping. "So whens the big day?" I ask, trying to sound interested.

"January 25th. It's on a Saturday. Im going to send out invitations soon, but make sure you keep that date free. I'd love you to be there."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Wow, that's really soon isnt it?"

"Yeah, but we decided we would love a January wedding because it would be the beginning of a new year. A wedding would be something for everyone to look forward to then because after Christmas everyone is a bit down beat arent they? So its perfect. New year, new us. Plus we've waited so long already, why not?"

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