Chapter 34: Locked Out

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I haven't been able to stop thinking about the fight Michael just got in to, and now hes gone. Its kind of put a downer on the night, and now I feel like I just want to go home too. I have a couple more drinks with Alicia and Jermaine and then look at the time, deciding I'm gonna head home.

"Do you mind if me and Jermaine stay?" Alicia asks.

"No, you're having fun, stay until they close. I just want to call it a night."

"Ok." She nods and stands up, giving me a hug.

"Bye Jermaine." I smile at him.

"See you later." He smiles.

"Dont stay up too late." I smirk at Alicia.

She giggles.

"Bye Sam."

I turn around and walk through the club, heading over to the exit. I sigh seeing its pouring down with rain outside. I call for a taxi and wait inside so I dont get soaked from the rain.

My taxi arrives and I get taken home. I cant believe I'm not bringing a guy back with me. I went out tonight in the hopes of getting laid. I had my chance with that tall guy, and I blew it. Looks like the only thing that's gonna make me wet tonight is the rain. I roll my eyes, feeling like I had a shitty night. I'm not even that drunk.

The taxi stops outside my house. I pay the driver and then get out. The rain pours down on me. I glance over at Michael's house as I quickly walk to mine. I wonder if hes ok? I'm sure he is.

I start looking through my bag for my keys quickly, because I'm getting soaked out here! I cant find them. Shit, where the fuck are they?! I scramble through my bag, but they are no where to be found. Fuuuuck sake!! I moan loudly and give up. How the heck have I lost my keys now?! I emptied my bag in the club looking for my phone, and I must have got distracted when that fight broke out. Shit! How did I leave my keys behind? My phone starts ringing. Alicia is calling me.

"Hello?" I answer loudly through the loud noise of the rain.

She tries talking to me, but I cant hear her because of the music in the background.

"Alicia, I cant hear you!"

I'm literally drenched right now.

"Can you hear me now?"


"You left your keys here!"

"Thanks, I've just discovered that! I'm now standing out in the fucking rain!"

"What are you gonna do? We can bring you your keys?"

I look over at Michael's house and sigh.

"I'll have to stay at Michael's until you bring me them back. I cant stay out here."

"Ok, Jermaine said he will get them to you."

"Alright, thanks."

"Are you going to be ok doing that?"

"I'm gonna have to be. I dont have a choice!"

"Ok, we wont be long."

"Yeah. Bye." I sigh.


We hang up. I make a face and quickly go over to Michael's. I knock on the door fast, wanting to get in the dry. I wait, but theres no answer. What the fuck is he doing? I keep knocking and then the door opens. He lowers his eyebrows looking at me, holding a bag of frozen peas...

"Finally!" I quickly barge past him, getting out of the rain.

"Come in." He says sarcastically and then looks me up and down. "Making my damn floor wet."

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