Chaper 14: Wear Red

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Thankfully I haven't bumped in to Michael or Meg at all this week. Some how I've managed to avoid them and we haven't seen one another. But Saturday is already here... and tonight is their housewarming.

"I'll go place your orders now." I smile writing down one of the orders as I serve a table of four.

I walk off to the kitchen, hanging up table 10s order.

"Have you made your mind up yet?" Alicia asks, walking up behind me.

I turn and look at her.

"No..." I sigh.

"Well Tony wants to take me out for dinner if we aren't going to it."

I roll my eyes.

"Well Tony can wait until I've made my mind up, ok? We did plan to go to the housewarming first remember? Or actually, you did."

"Ok, but you've literally got an hour until the party starts... so make your mind up quicker."

"I can be late can't I?" I smirk. "Late and unexpected."

She chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Just think about it will you?"

"Yes, ok." I give her a look and sigh.

She smiles. I walk off and go over to some tables that need cleaning. I'm kind of freaking out about this housewarming thing. I want to go but at the same time I don't. I should be friendly and go... but was it very friendly fucking her fiancee? But I haven't seen Michael all week... and why does that matter? I guess I would love to see the look on his face seeing me show up. What would i even wear?! Is it casual? Formal? I have no idea. Ugh, I wish Meg never invited me, so I wouldn't know about it or even have to think about it. I don't have to stay there all night though. I could literally just be nice and show my face for like half an hour and then go. Not even half an hour... like 15 minutes... or so. I just don't know! Part of me is like no, why would you even think about going?! Just forget about it and move on. It's a stupid idea... and then the other half is like... but you can see Michael... and watch him squirm. I like that idea more but I still don't know.

I look at the time. My shift ends soon and I need to make a decision. I look over at Alicia. I sigh and walk up to her.

"You're gonna have to help me choose something to wear."

She looks at me and raises her eyebrows.

"You wanna go?!" She smiles.

"Yes..." I give her a look and smirk.

"Wow, this is gonna be interesting." She chuckles.

"No, we wont stay long. Like half an hour tops."

"Oh? Ok... well in that case I can still see Tony." She smiles.

I roll my eyes and smile.

"Yes, you can do both now."

"Great! I need to let him know." She says walking off.

I rub my face and shake my head. I can't believe I've said I'll go. I hope theres going to be some alcohol left by the time I get there because I'm gonna need it.

Our shift ends and we get the bus back to mine. As we walk up to my house we hear music playing from their house. I look over and the nerves kick in.

"You still want to go over there?" Alicia asks.

I nod and smile.

"Yeah, it sounds fun doesn't it?"

She smirks and we go inside my house. I take a quick shower and we both touch up our makeup and hair. I look through my wardrobe and sigh. Alicia sits on my bed with a glass of wine, watching me look through my clothes.

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