Chapter 19: Trash

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As I leave my house about to go on my way to work I take some trash with me. I stop when I see Michael taking his trash out too. I sigh and debate on whether I should put it back inside and do it later, or just do what I was going to do act like he isn't there.

I cant keep feeling like this in my own home. Im literally just putting out some trash. He cant stop me from doing my house work. I shut and lock my door and then take the trash over to my bins. I look down, trying to do it quickly.

"Hey." He says softly, after closing his bin.

I dont answer him. He let's out a little laugh and lowers his eyebrows.


I still dont answer him and put the lid on top of the bin. He walks closer to me.

"You ignoring me?"

I glance at him and he smirks.

"I'm just trying to put out my trash."

"I can see that." He nods. "I'm just saying hey."

"I think it's best that we dont talk to each other, dont you?"

"Probably..." He puts his hands in his pockets and stares at me.

I make a face.

"Probably? Have you forgotten the conversation we had about keeping our distance? I mean, it was your idea."

He raises his eyebrows and scoffs.

"You were the one who showed up at my housewarming last week. I think you're the one who's forgotten our conversation."

I scoff.

"I can't keep rejecting your fiancees invitations or she will wonder what's wrong with me." I give him a look. "What was i supposed to do? You were the one who followed me upstairs and threw yourself on me."

He tilts his head to the side and smiles, looking sexy.

"You could have stopped me, but you didn't."

I stare at him, and try not to smile. I look away and shake my head.

"You knew exactly what you were doing that night."

"I just thought I should show my face."

"You told me you wanted to see me." He grins.

"I was just trying to be nice." I shrug. "And I had a few glasses of wine before I said that sooo, I didn't actually know what i was saying... or doing."

He shakes his head.

"You would have left feeling disappointed if I didn't kiss you."

I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms.

"Get over yourself Michael."

He laughs.

"Well you did go to all of that effort to get my attention. You had other intentions."

I make a face and ignore what he just said.

"You know what, you want the truth? I was more interested in your brother."

Michael raises his eyebrows and laughs.

"What, Jermaine?! Come on now."

"Yeah." I nod. "I mean, it's not like he's engaged." I shoot him a look and smile.

Michael makes a face and continues to laugh.

"And that really turned me on. Hes single. I'm single. No problems."

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