Chapter 46: Do You Have A Problem?

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"I'm going to wait outside Nick." I call out.

"Alright I'm coming!" He calls back.

I sigh and he comes walking down the stairs quickly.

"Sorry, I had a bad stomach."

I make a face.

"That's disgusting."

"You can't rush those things." He shakes his head and puts on his jacket.

"Well I hope you haven't destroyed my toilet." I roll my eyes. "How much longer are you gonna stay here?"

"My pooing habits putting you off?" He chuckles.

"Yeah, just a bit. Keep that stuff to yourself.. ya nasty."

He laughs.

"I thought I could stay with you just before Christmas."

"Great." I smile and roll my eyes.

"I can go today if you want?!"

"I'm joking." I laugh. "I don't mind. Now let's go! I'm gonna be late."

I open the front door and he follows me out.

"Of course, if I stay then I expect some Christmas presents." He smiles at me.

I lock my door and give him a look.

"I don't think you've been a good boy this year have you? I imagine you've got coal for the last 5?"

He gives me a look and chuckles.

"Very funny." He nudges me.

I smirk and we start walking over to his car, when we hear Michael's front door open. I dont look over but Nick does.

"That guy has a serious problem."

"Just ignore him." I make a face.

Nick looks away but then looks back again.

"I gotta say something." He shakes his head.


"Aren't you seeing him staring at us? I don't even know the guy and hes staring me out. I'll ask what his problem is."

"Nick." I roll my eyes. "Just leave it."

"How can you live next to that weirdo? Doesn't his staring annoy you?"

"I don't take any notice." I shake my head.

He lowers his eyebrows. We get to his car and instead of opening the door he looks back at Michael and then turns back around. Fuck sake! He starts walking over to Michael.

"Nick!" I quickly walk after him.

"Hey, do you have a problem with me?" Nick calls over to Michael.

Oh great. Michael looks at him straight faced and shakes his head.

"No. I don't know you."

"Then is it my sister you got a problem with? Because I don't know you either and every time I see you, you stare us out." Nick glares at him.

Michael looks at me and then he lowers his eyebrows.

"Sister?" He shows a little smile.

Looks like hes happy to know hes my brother.

"Yeah. What the hell are you smiling for?"

"Nothin. I dont have a problem with you or Sam. It's just she didn't tell me you were her brother."

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