Chapter 35: The Inevitable

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We both stay staring in to each others eyes and keep looking down at each others lips. I start leaning in closer, with only one thing on my mind. I want his lips on mine. I want him so much. For this long I've been holding back, but now I cant handle it any more. Michael leans in, and I take one more look in to his eyes, before I press my lips against his. My eyes instantly close, feeling his soft lips against mine.

Before the kiss intensifies I suddenly stop myself. This is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this. He's with Meghan... I pull away quickly. Michael looks at me with his sexy, glossy eyes, looking like he didn't want to stop.

"Fuck." I frown and stand up. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I shake my head. "I dont know what came over me."

Michael stands up, staring at me, not saying a word. He walks towards me and I look up at him and frown.

"I should go. We shouldn't-"

He grabs my face in his hands, making me stop talking and kisses me passionately. Oh shit. I instantly melt and kiss him back, letting his lips take me over. Hes kissing me with so much need, almost like hes been waiting to kiss me for a long time.

His hand slides down to my neck, causing me to moan and then I feel his tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues dance against each other, as the kiss deepens. He holds my hip and pulls me in closer to his body. Feeling him touch me like this sends tingling sensations all over my body. I pull away to catch my breath, feeling my heart thump against my chest. I stare in to his dark, sexy eyes.

"What about Jermaine?" I say breathlessly. "What if he comes-"

"Fuck Jermaine." Michael cuts me off and presses his lips back on to mine.

Well, ok then. I moan and kiss him back, running my hands across his shoulders. His hands slide in to my hair, holding the back of my head. Our bodies are pressed up against each others, and I can feel his hard bulge against me. I'm so turned on and wet for him.

I hold the back of his neck while his big hands explore my body. He rubs down my waist and then up and down my back. He takes his lips away from mine and starts kissing down my neck. I breathe quickly and bite my lip, feeling him kiss my neck roughly. He slides his hands down to my bum, and starts rubbing and squeezing me. Hes making me moan so much.

I run my hands through his hair, gripping his curls. He kisses back up to my lips and before I know it we've some how moved out of the living room. I back up against the wall that leads up the stairs. We are literally all over each other like animals right now.

I rub my hands all over him, rubbing them down his chest, and then feeling on his bulge. He moans and then bites down on my lip gently which makes me grin. We're both breathing so heavily.

He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Fuck. We're about to have sex. I cant wait, but I dont know how i feel about fucking him on his and Meghans bed... We get to the top of the stairs and then we are instantly on each other each again, kissing and feeling the shit out of each other.

We stumble in to the bedroom and he slams the door shut. We fall on to the bed and he pulls my dress up, feeling up my thighs. I moan as he starts kissing down my neck, while gripping my thighs tightly.

He leans up and then turns on the bedside lamp. Fuck, I remember him turning the light on the first time we had sex. I liked that. I bite my lip and we look at each other as he pulls off his blue shirt, and then his white t-shirt revealing his sexy, slim body. Hes so hot! He looks down at me with such sexual desire as his curls fall in front of his face.

I watch him slide his hands up my thighs again, and then feel him hold on to my panties. He pulls them down, and throws them aside as he gets back in between my legs again. I grab the back of his head and start kissing him roughly.

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