Chapter 32: It's A Ticking Time Bomb

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"Are you ok?" Jace asks, snapping me out of my trance.

I look at him and nod.


"You seem quiet today."

I shake my head.

"I'm alright, I just had a late night last night. I didnt think the wedding talk would go on for that long. I'm exhausted today." I laugh softly.

"You should have said, and we could have rearranged today."

"No it's fine." I smile.

"Ok, then I'll make you a coffee to wake you up." He smiles.

"Yeah." I laugh softly. "Thanks, I need it."

"You better not fall asleep on me when we watch a movie."

"I'll try not to." I chuckle.


Jace takes me back home on his motorbike after our date. He walks with me over to my front door and I stop, looking up at him. He smiles.

"You only closed your eyes a couple of times."

I laugh and shake my head.

"I stayed awake the whole time!"

He gives me a look.

"Ok, a couple of times I might have closed them briefly." I smile. "But I've seen that movie before."

"I said that, but you said you wanted to watch it again!"

"I thought I did." I giggle.

He makes a face and laughs.

"I've been really enjoying this." He gazes at me. "Spending time together."

I nod and show a little smile.

"Me too... I never in a million years thought I'd even be talking to you again."

"I know." He smiles slowly. "I didn't think you would either."

I smile.

"I know its gonna take some time... before you trust me again, but I'm willing to wait and do what ever you're comfortable with."

I stare at him. He runs his hand through my hair. I look down.

"I'll always love you Sam."

I look up at him.

"I wish things were different." He sighs. "When you told me about your next door neighbours getting married it made me think, what would have happened if I didnt cheat on you... if we didn't split up?"

I stay quiet as he stares in to my eyes.

"I know I would have made you my wife." He smiles. "We would be married by now, and having our fourth child."

I laugh.


He smiles widely.

"Remember I always said I wanted four kids. Two girls, two boys."

I give him a look and giggle. That was then though... he could have had all of that if he didnt cheat on me... we both go quiet as we look in to each others eyes. I feel like he might try to kiss me... he runs his hand through my hair again and looks down at my lips. He goes to lean in and I show a little smile.

"Jace..." I try to stop him.

"Sam." I hear Michael call my name.

I lower my eyebrows and look back. He smiles and walks over to me from his house.

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