Chapter 39: Emotions

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I stare out of the bus window, thinking about everything... thinking about Michael and what happened last night.

"Hey." Alicia says, nudging me.

I look at her.

"You've been really quiet today. You've barely said a word."

"Its been busy, we haven't had time to talk. We didn't even get a full break today."

She gives me look.

"Well we've finished work, and we got time to talk now."

I nod.

"But you're staring out the window."

"I'm tired." I sigh.

"I know this is about Michael."

I look away and run my hand through my hair.

"I thought you had a plan?" She smirks. "You told me yesterday that you would ignore him and everything would be fine."

"I know." I make a face.

"So what's the problem?"

"My plan didn't work."

"What? You only told me about it yesterday, but that's no surprise." She chuckles.

"Yeah, and then.. we had sex."

She stares at me and then looks surprised.

"Oh." She laughs. "Well I knew it wasnt gonna work, but I didnt think it would happen that quickly."

"Neither did I." I shrug.

"What happened?"

"After I spoke to you about everything yesterday, I got home and Michael was doing something to his car. I actually ignored him and went straight inside. Next thing, hes at my door... We had a bit of an argument and then it just escalated to us fucking each other again."

"Wow, you both cant handle your emotions. You're like animals." She giggles.

I laugh softly and then frown.

"He kissed me and then I slapped him because I thought how dare he think he can just do that? We were literally arguing then he kisses me like he has the right to. I mean, I kind of liked it... but I was like no, we cant do this again. He was being so full of himself."

"Damn..." She raises her eyebrows. "And you hit him?!"

"Yeah, and I didn't even mean to! It just happened in that moment and then I was like, shit, I'm sorry."

"Then you had sex?"

"Yeah, it kind of turned us on... the whole argument and then the slap I gave him."

"You two are taking out everything on each other arent you?" She laughs.

I smile slowly.

"It was intense..."

"Yeah!" She nods. "So, what's gonna happen now? You got a new plan or something?" She smirks.

"I dont know?" I frown. "This is just going to keep on happening isnt it? Me and Michael, jumping on each other all the time."

"Maybe..." She nods. "Isn't Meghan back yet?"

"Well judging by what Michael did yesterday, I got the impression she's still away."

"When she comes back things will probably go quiet again. Hes only being this confident and going this far because shes not there. How can he keep going over to your house once shes back? He wont, because then he'll get caught."

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