Chapter 13: Not A Morning Person

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I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror and pull a face. I'm so hungover... I look like shit. I sigh and finger comb through my hair, trying to make myself look a bit decent. I notice he has mouth wash. I use some of that and spit it out. I grab a tissue and try to sort my makeup out. I wipe away the smudged eyeliner and then pull on my dress. I look at myself again before leaving the bathroom. I guess I look a bit better. I roll my eyes and try to be quiet as i leave the bathroom and walk past his bedroom.

"Samantha?" He calls out.

I make a face and widen my eyes. Great hes awake. I hear him get up and walk out of his bedroom. He rubs his head and we look at each other. I feel really bad because I can't even say his name.

"Heey." I say awkwardly.

"Oh... were you gonna leave?" He asks.

I look around the hallway and nod.

"Uh... yeah." I make a face.

"Oh, right. You don't even want my number or anything?"

"I'm sorry... my taxi is gonna be here soon..."

He pauses and nods.

"Ok... well I had a good time last night. You don't have to leave so quickly." He chuckles. "I don't mind you staying for a while."

I show a weak smile and itch my head.

"Listen... uh..." I sigh. "I didn't want you to get the wrong impression or anything. Last night was.. fine right? I think it's time for me to go." I let out a soft laugh.

"Ok.. yeah, sure. I understand."

"Good." I smile.

I turn around and start to walk down the stairs. He follows behind me. I turn and look up at him.

"Actually before I go, I don't suppose you have any tablets? I have a huge headache."

He shows half a smile and nods.

"I've got some."

"Thanks." I smile.

I follow him towards his kitchen and he hands me the pack of tablets with a glass of water. I take a couple and sigh. He glances at me. My phone pings. Yes finally my taxi is here.

"Taxi is outside." I say feeling awkward.

He nods and we walk over to his front door. Why is he following me out? Just let me go! I put my heels on and open the front door.

"Well, uh see you around?" He says watching me walk out.

I look back at him and smile.

"Yeah, bye... uh.." What is his name?! I really just made it so obvious that I can't remember his name.

He gives me a look and scoffs.

"Simon." He let's out a little laugh.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Bye."

He shows an awkward smile and shuts the door. I sigh and get in the taxi. That was so fucking awkward. That's why I try so hard to just slip away in the mornings without waking them up, so I avoid the awkwardness and small talk.

On the way home I close my eyes. This journey is making me feel sick. I dont know if it's his driving or if I'm still drunk. Nope its definitely his driving. Hes going so fast! I start to fall asleep but then I'm woken up by him stopping the car aggressively, making me jolt up. Damn! What is his problem? Guy needs to learn how to fucking drive. I give him a look and hand him some money.

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