Chapter 9: A Good Cause

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I sit in the changing room staring at the wall resting my chin in my hand. I thought going shopping with Alicia would get me out of the house and take my mind off of everything but it hasn't. Alicia pulls open the changing room curtain and smiles. I look at the outfit she has on and smile.

"That's the one." I nod. "You look good!"

She looks in the mirror, checking herself out.

"You dont think it's too much do you?"

"Well I wouldn't say you're over dressed. It's a top and a skirt." I lower my eyebrows.

"Well yeah... but do I really need to buy a new outfit?" She says feeling on the skirt. "Its just a date, and I dont want to get my hopes up too high."

"But you like Tony dont you?"

She nods and looks at me.

"But you dont think it's worth buying a new outfit?" I chuckle.

"I dont know." She shrugs.

"You could just buy a new top, or just the skirt."

"Yeah." She nods. "I'm so stressed." She sighs and roughly pulls the curtains back in the changing room.

"This is why I dont date." I smirk and shake my head.

"Yeah well I wish I could be more like you." She says as she gets changed.

I raise an eyebrow. I guess she can't have sex with someone without getting attached or having feelings. That's why I make sure my one night stands are just one night stands and nothing more. But it's funny... because I try so hard not to see or speak to the guys I sleep with, and then bam, one of them moves next door to me. I even made sure I didn't give my number out that time... little did I know Michael having my number was the least of my worries.

Alicia opens the curtain and walks out.

"When is your date?" I ask as we walk out the changing room.

"Tomorrow." She smiles. "He's picking me up at six. I'm so nervous."

"Why? You went all the way with him already."

She gives me a look.

"I know, but I guess I like him."

I go over with her to the lady at the till and she pays for the clothes. We leave the shop, and walk towards some others.

"Well let's hope he isn't hiding a girlfriend or wife."

She gives me a look.

"You mean like Michael?" She smirks.

"Yeah, you can't trust anyone."

"I think my situation is a bit different though Sam. You dont care because it's just sex for you, but I'm not the type to just fuck and chuck. Unless..."

I raise an eyebrow.


"You actually do care, and you're trying to act like you don't like Michael."

"No." I chuckle. "I think he is a dick for what hes done. I just feel bad for his fiancee."

"But you didn't mind him driving you home yesterday?" She smirks.

"Well... yeah... but we were both going the same way and he offered." I raise my eyebrows and let out a soft laugh.

"And you accepted, even though hes a lying cheat, and you apparently feel bad for his fiancee?"

I give her a look and try not to smile.

"Ok, I probably shouldn't have let him drive me home, but I just thought it saved me waiting for a damn bus."

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