Chapter 24: I'll Have You Instead

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I look at Meg resting her head on Michael's shoulder. She has her eyes closed... she looks passed out. Michael checks her, making sure shes ok. I look away and then stare out of the window.

"You alright Sammie?" Michael asks, mocking the way Jace said my name.

I look away from the window and then give him a look and shake my head. He smiles.

"Don't." I say sternly.

He laughs softly.

"Who was that guy anyway? Another one night stand?"

I glare at him. I sigh and ignore him, looking out the window again.


I dont answer him.

"Sorry, I'm only joking."

"Hes my ex." I say, staring blankly out of the window.

"Oh..." Michael says, going quiet.

I start thinking of the things Jace said to me. I wish I just hated him, it would make things a lot easier. Then I start to think of the things Meg said to me in the toilets... ugh so much has happened tonight.

Its quiet for a little while. I feel Michael's arm moving and I look at him. Hes feeling on his fangs, trying to pull them off again. I raise my eyebrows and laugh softly.

"What glue did you use to stick them on? Super glue?"

"The glue that came with these stupid things." He sighs.

I roll my eyes and smile. I check him out, watching him trying to take the fangs off. I actually think he looks sexy as fuck with them on. He glances at me and I look at him and then look away.

The taxi stops outside Michael and Megs house. I get out and then Michael tries to help Meg out.

"Meg, wake up. We're home." Michael says moving her head off of his shoulder.

She moans, slowly opening her eyes. Michael manages to get her out of the taxi. He puts his arm around her, supporting her. She is gonna feel like shit tomorrow!

The taxi drives off and Michael starts walking her up to their house. He looks over at me.

"You gonna be ok?" He asks.

I nod and show a little smile.


He smiles.

"Good night Dracula." I laugh softly, and walk over to my front door.

He laughs and makes a face.

I go inside and then lock the door. I sigh and rub the back of my neck feeling down beat. Tonight is the first night in a while where I actually feel lonely.

I take off my boots and cape and then pour myself a drink. I grab the bowl of treats and lay down on my sofa, turning the TV on. I roll my eyes seeing the movie Psycho on again. I leave it on and start watching it as I eat some candy.

I start to think about Jermaine and Alicia. I take my phone out and send her a text.

You and Michael Myers still out? X

I smile and send it. I get comfy and finish the bowl of candy. My eyelids become heavy as I watch the TV and soon enough I'm falling asleep.


I wake up hearing someone knocking on my door. What the hell? I sit up and rub my eyes. I look around and see the TV has turned off and its pitch black. They knock again and I lower my eyebrows, checking the time on my phone. Its 4am. Who the hell is knocking on my door at this time?

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