Chapter 25: Needed Food

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I smile seeing Alicia waiting for me outside the diner. I walk over to her and she smiles.


"Hey." I sigh.

"How you feeling after yesterday?" She asks.

"Fine." I shrug. "But the question is, how are you feeling?" I smirk. "Did things get freaky with you and Michael Myers?"

She smiles and rolls her eyes as we walk in to the diner.

"No Sam." She laughs. "He made sure I got back home ok and that was it."

"Yeah, I bet he did." I make face.

We walk in to the back room to put our stuff away.

"I do like him though..."

"More than Tony?" I ask.

"Well Tony is still being weird with me, so I dont know what's going on with us."

I lower my eyebrows.

"Get rid of him. If hes gonna treat you like that then he ain't worth it."

She nods slowly and then frowns.

"I really liked Tony though."

"And now you really like Jermaine. Ones gotta go right?"

"Well... yeah... but..."

I give her a look.


"Hes Michael's brother..."


"Well you and Michael have got a thing going on."

I make a face and laugh.

"We havent got a "thing" going on."

She gives me a look.

"What if Jermaine found out my best friend had sex with his engaged brother? What if he finds out I knew about it and didnt say anything to him?"

"What? He isnt going to find out. Why are you saying this?"

"I'm just trying to explain that me seeing Jermaine could be weird. It's a bit complicated dont you think?"

I lower my eyebrows and think about it.

"Not really. What happened between me and Michael hasn't got anything to do with him or you. Yeah hes his brother but its Michael's business. Dont let that stop you from dating him if you like him."

"I guess so..."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Unless you'd feel bad keeping something like that from him? That his brother is a cheat."

She shakes her head.

"No... like you said, its nothing to do with him."

"Exactly. All you have to worry about is who you wanna date, and I say ditch Tony. He's not serious about you."

"So you think I should get to know Jermaine more?"

"Its up to you, but I can see Jermaine likes you."

She nods and smiles slowly.

"I have to talk to Tony first of all and see what his problem is."

"Yeah, typical men ey?" I say sitting down.

She nods.

"How was everything with you, Michael and Meg? You haven't said much about them."

"Ugh." I sigh and roll my eyes. "Meg was so fucking drunk."

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