Chapter 52: I'm Here For You

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I wake up with a bit of a headache. I drank a bit too much last night. I look at my phone and see messages from Nick, saying Merry Christmas with a picture of him and Jayda, and a message from Alicia. I also have a text from my dad...

Merry Christmas Sammie. It would have been nice if you came back with Nick but I know you work a lot. I miss you, so come over in the new year and stay for a while. We can have a catch up. Love dad x

I sigh and make a face. At least I got a text from him I suppose. I get up and take a shower.

I come back in to my room and pick up my phone. I was going to text Jace and ask if I could see him today... but he probably wants to be with his dad. I change in to a jumper and black leggings and start to dry my hair when I hear some noise outside. I walk over to my window and pull back some of my curtain. I see Michael with Meg loading up his car with presents. Hes in a Christmas jumper. He looks so cute... I smile seeing how good he looks but then Meghan wraps her arms around him which makes my smile instantly drop. I sigh and close the curtain.

I go down stairs and turn the tv on. I guess its Christmas so why not pour myself a drink? I sit down and try to find something on tv that's not Christmas related but that's a bit difficult.

An hour passes and theres a knock on my door. Maybe its Michael again? I put down my wine and stand up, hoping it's Michael. I fix my hair and quickly go to my door. I open it but see Jace standing there. He looks like he hasn't slept...

"Jace?" I frown.

He instantly bursts in to tears.

"What's wrong?" I frown. "Is it your dad? Is he ok?"

"He's dead." He manages to speak through his sobs.

Oh shit. I open my arms and he walks in to me. I hold on to him as he cries in to my shoulder. I start to choke up as a few tears roll down my cheeks. I feel so bad for him... and especially because its Christmas... I can't believe hes dead. His dad was like a dad to me when i was with him.

"I'm so sorry..." I rub his back.

He pulls away and sniffs.

"He died early hours this morning."

I frown and shut the front door.

"You should have let me know he got worse. I would have come to see you."

"It just all happened so fast." He shakes his head. "I would have called you, but he was all I could think about. I didn't want to leave his side."

"Yeah." I nod and rub his arm.

"He got worse and worse over the last couple of days... and this morning was just it for him. He was in so much pain.. he couldn't go on any more." He starts to cry again.

Some tears roll down my face and I hug him again. He holds me and cries in to me.

"He's not in any more pain now Jace." I try to hold back my tears.

"But I didn't want him to go. Not yet." He cries harder.

I start to cry a bit more now.

"I know... I know how you feel."

I try to comfort him for a little while as he cries in to me. He tries to stop himself from crying any more and pulls away from me. He sighs and wipes his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I shake my head and wipe some tears from my cheek.

"But it's Christmas. You probably don't want me crying all over you."

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