Chapter 40: Shook Up

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I'm shaken up and my heart is beating so hard. Michael runs after the guy who just stole my bag. Hes a fast runner! I see a security man run after him too. Jace runs over to me and sees everyone looking at me.

"Sam! What the hell just happened?" He sees I'm upset and holds my arm.

"Someone just took my bag." I frown sounding panicked.


"I-I was just standing here, and then-" I can't finish my sentence because I'm in shock and start to cry a little bit.

"Hey." He says softly and puts his arm around me, trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you to wait here on your own."

I wipe my eyes and shake my head.

"Its not your fault."

"Let me go grab security." He rubs my arm.

"Security has already gone after him."

"Ok." He nods. "They'll get him and you'll get your bag back. It will be alright." He puts his arm back around me. "Let's sit down."

He walks me over to a bench and we sit down. I sniff and wipe my eyes, still feeling shaky. People are still looking over at me.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks, looking worried.

"No... he just pushed and pulled me around a bit."

"Fucking asshole." He shakes his head and holds me close to him.

"Did you get your phone?" I ask.

"Yeah, but that's not important." He shakes his head and wipes a tear from my face.

I sigh heavily and run my hand through my hair. I've never had someone rob me before. It was scary! I dont get much fucking luck.

I wipe my eyes and look up. I see Michael quickly walking over to me, and hes holding my bag. I cant believe he actually went and got it back for me. I'm so glad he did that. I stand up and then Jace sees Michael with my bag. Jace stands up next to me.

Michael walks up to me, breathing quickly. He holds out my bag to me and I smile, feeling relieved and take it from him.

"Thank you so much." I sigh.

"He didn't go far." Michael shakes his head, catching his breath. "I knocked him to the floor and then waited for security."

"Thanks Michael." I frown and then smile. "I'm so glad you got it back."

"Yeah." Jace nods. "Thanks."

"That's ok." Michael shows a little smile. "Are you alright?" He asks, touching my arm.

I look at his hand and then in to his eyes. He frowns when he sees that I'm shaken up. Jace looks at Michael's hand on my arm.

"Yeah, I'll make sure shes ok." Jace smiles and puts his arm around my waist.

I show a little smile. Michael nods.

"Ok, I don't think he managed to take anything out of your bag, but double check. Theres some assholes around."

"I will." I nod. "Thank you."

"I'll get you home now." Jace looks at me and rubs my back.

I nod as Jace starts to walk us away. Michael watches me and then goes back over to his charity stand. I sigh, feeling like none of that has registered yet. Did that actually just happen?! I look through my bag, making sure everything is still there, and thankfully it is. I'm so lucky Michael was there to help me. If it wasnt for him that guy would have taken everything... or he might have even hurt me.

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