Chapter 17: Hide

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"Shit! Michael she will see me in here." I whisper.

"Shh." He raises his hand widening his eyes.

He sighs out heavily and runs his hand through his hair.

"Its fine. Just stay in here." He says unlocking the door.

I lower my eyebrows.

"Michael?" Meg calls his name again.

Shes sounds a lot closer now. I swallow hard and look at Michael. He glances at me almost opening the door.

"Wait." I whisper.

He stops and I quickly rub my thumb over his bottom lip. He's got some of my lipgloss on his lips. He quickly wipes his mouth and then opens the door.

"Hey baby." He smiles and walks out. "Oh don't go in there. I think Samantha is using the toilet." He says shutting the bedroom door.

I sigh and close my eyes. That was way too close. I walk closer to the door to hear what they are saying.

"Oh I wondered where she went... What were you doing in the bedroom?" She asks.


How is he so calm?

"You were gone for a while?"

"Yeah I was uh trying to find an old picture of me and Jermaine. I couldn't find it."

"Oh, which one?"

"It doesn't matter-"

"Why?" She chuckles. "Tell me. I think I know which one you're talking about."

I hear her walk towards the bedroom door. Fuck! I widen my eyes and step back from the door. I look around the room. I need to hide.

"Meg honestly it's fine. Lets just go back down. Everyone will be leaving soon." Michael says sounding a bit panicked now.

"It should be with all of our other photos Michael. I'll get it for you. It will take me two seconds. You go back downstairs."

Shit shit shit! Where can I hide?! I cant hide under the bed, theres too much stuff under there. I notice another door. I quickly walk over to it and open it. They got an ensuite. Nice. I walk inside quickly and quietly shut the door. I cant see a damn thing. I hear the bedroom door open.

"Meg wait a second!" Michael raises his voice.

"What's wrong?!" She asks.

Michael suddenly goes quiet and then clears his throat.


"Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not."

"Yeah you are." She chuckles.

"Sorry... it's just, I dont want you to go looking around the room."


"Because... I'm hiding a present..."

I roll my eyes. Well now you gotta get her a present.

"Aw Michael. Really?"

"Yeah." He lets out a little sigh. "Now can you leave the photos?"

"How come you've got me something?"

"Can't I treat my fiancee?"

"Aw baby. That's sweet."

I shake my head. Yeah hes sweet alright.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise, but now you know." He chuckles. "Come on. Let's go back downstairs."

It goes quiet. I lower my eyebrows and push my ear to the door. I hear them kissing now. I scoff but quickly cover my mouth. Shit that wasn't meant to come out.

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