Chapter 31: Wedding Talk

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Meg walks in to the kitchen and her friends follow in behind. I smile at them.

"This is Mia, Sophie and Eliza." Meg smiles introducing them. "And this is Samantha my next door neighbour, and her friend Alicia." She introduces us to her friends.

"Nice to meet you." We smile at each other.

"My mom should be here any minute now, but let's all sit and have some food." Meg says walking over to the table.

"Well let's pop open the champagne I got you! Get this party started." Mia grins holding up the champagne.

I see they've all brought something with them... I look at Meg.

"Sorry, we didn't bring anything. I've never been to something like this before."

"Dont worry." She smiles. "My friends are just alcoholics."

"Hey!" They laugh.

"I cant get too drunk." Meg laughs. "Or I won't get anything done. I guess while we wait for my mom a couple wont hurt."

"Exactly." Sophie grins. "And we want to celebrate. We're so happy for you. We were actually a little concerned about you and Michael..."

Me and Alicia glance at each other. I take off my jacket and sit down.

"Why?" Meg chuckles.

"Because it took you and Michael so long to set the date! We thought he had second thoughts."

"Oh, no..." She shakes her head. "We've just been so busy with work and stuff... its been hard."

I clear my throat and pick at some of the food.

"Anyway, the main thing is you're finally going to marry his fine ass." Eliza smirks.

Meg laughs and rolls her eyes. I widen my eyes slightly.

"So." I clear my throat. "Are you three the bridesmaids?"

"Yeah." They smile. "We've known Meghan since college."

I nod. Theres a knock at the door and Meg smiles standing up.

"That will be my mom."

Her friends start picking up some of the wedding magazines and look through them.

"Here, you two have a look too." Mia smiles, passing us a magazine each.

I show a fake smile.


I open it and start flicking through some pages.

"Oh, those flowers are so pretty." Alicia says pointing to her magazine.

I give her a look. Shes actually taking this seriously.

"Yeah." I nod.

Meg walks back in with her mom. Wow her mom looks good! Very pretty... Meg looks just like her.

"Your father wanted to come today, but I kept telling him it's a girls only thing. It's a special moment between a mother and her daughter."

Meg makes a face a giggles.

"Hi girls." Her mom smiles.

"Hey." Her friends smile at her.

"Mom, this is my next door neighbour Samantha and her friend Alicia."

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Sadie."

"Nice to meet you." Me and Alicia smile.

"Now we can get started." Meg grins and they take a seat.

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