Chapter 3: Miss Hothead

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Me and Alicia make our way back over to Tony and his friend. I don't even know what this guys name is.

"Are you ok?" He asks, looking at me.

"I'm fine." I nod.

I mean you could have backed me up after some guy pushed in to the girl you're kissing and grinding with... I look around but don't see Mr Important any where... wheres he gone?

"I'll get us a drink." He says going over to the bar.

"Ok." I nod.

I look over at Alicia. She's still getting off with Tony. I sigh and look around. I need to move on to someone else quick. I don't want to be stuck with Tony's friend. Don't get me wrong he's nice, but not really my type. He comes back and hands me a drink and we start dancing with each other again. A little while later Alicia taps on my shoulder as I dance next to her. I look at her and she smirks looking in a certain direction.

"Mr Important has been watching you."

I look over in the direction shes looking at and see his eyes on me. God he is fine. He sips his drink, keeping eye contact. I smirk and look away, continuing to dance with Tony's friend. I glance over again but he's not there any more. Where the fuck is he now? I sigh and look at Alicia.

"Can we sit down for a second?"

"Sure." She nods.

We leave the dancefloor with Tony and his friend and sit around a small table. Tony has his hand on Alicia's leg, sitting close to her. Tony's friend moves closer to me and leans his face close to mine.

"You're so hot." He says next to my ear, and then checks me out.

I smirk.

"Thanks." I say shrugging one shoulder.

He smiles and starts to kiss me again. I kiss him back, holding the back of his neck. I pull away when he starts doing a lot of tongue again. He smiles and looks in to my eyes.

"I'm just going to the toilet."

I nod and watch him stand up. I sigh and look around. Finally. Now I can get away.

"Still wet?"

I hear someone say next to me. I look to my right and see Mr Important now sitting in the chair Tony's friend was sitting in. I raise my eyebrows. He looks even better up this close.

"Nope. Dry as a bone now. Thanks."

He smiles slowly. I trace my eyes over his face. His smile makes me smile but I quickly go back to my resting bitch face.

"That's a shame."

I give him a look and he chuckles.

"I'll buy you a drink."

"I'm good. Thanks."

He pauses and licks his lips.

"I'll try not to get you wet this time."

I look at him and he gives me the most sexiest, serious face I've ever seen. Too late. He said it so sexual... I blink, not really knowing what to say.

"Although, I can't promise that." He smirks and stands up.

Well hell... I stay sat down and he looks down at me. He's got me turned on so bad.

"Do you want a free drink or not?" He asks, sounding all demanding.

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." I say sarcastically.

I look at Alicia and Tony. Alicia looks at me as I stand up.

"I'm just getting a drink." I smile at her.

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