Chapter 29: Let the Sun Shine In

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Today is the day im going to open my bedroom curtains for this first time since Michael moved next door. After yesterday I've decided I'm not going to go on like this. He spoke to me like shit and he wont get away with it. This is my house and I shouldn't feel uncomfortable or guilty. I need some sun shining in here. I need to focus on moving forward.

I open the curtains, letting the sun shine in and open the window slightly, letting some fresh air inside. I'm now staring right at their bedroom window. I make a face and sigh.


I open my front door, ready to leave for work but I see Michael and Meg just leaving their house too. I make a face and quickly go back inside. I dont think they noticed me. I really don't want to see them today. I wait for little while until I hear their cars go. And theres me saying I cant go on like this and I wont feel uncomfortable in my own home. Great start Samantha.

I open the door thinking it's safe after hearing a car go, but see Michael still outside. I sigh and act like he isnt there while I lock my door. I feel him looking at me. I walk away from my house, wanting to get to the bus stop quickly.

"Sam." Michael calls my name.

I quickly glance over at him as he walks over to me. I'm still pissed off over how he spoke to me yesterday. His apology can fuck off.

"I need to get to work." I say bluntly.

"I know, I just wanted to apologise for yesterday."

I scoff.

"And whys that? Scared you've upset me and I'll go running to Meg to tell her you're a cheating asshole?"

He stares at me and I raise my eyebrow.

"No." He shakes his head. "Because I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and I feel bad about it. I didn't mean anything I said... you just caught me in a bad mood."

I squint my eyes and chuckle.

"A bad mood?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Ok. Well I'm gonna be late for work." I say, ignoring his "apology."

"I saw you walk out of your house and go back inside when you saw me and Meg. I dont want you to feel like you have to do that." He frowns.

"What else could I do? I'm not exactly in the mood to fake more smiles and do small talk this morning, especially after how you spoke to me yesterday."

He sighs.

"I didn't mean to upset you."

"Look Michael, its like you said yesterday, forget about us and you worry about Meg, plan your perfect wedding, while I make sure Jace doesn't go fucking another girl again." I give him a look. "I'm fine, and I dont want your apology."

"Sam." He frowns. "I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it."

"I've got work." I say bluntly and walk off.

He frowns, watching me walk away.


I bang down some dirty dishes in the kitchen and Chris gives me a look.

"Woa what's with all the banging and crashing today Sam?" He asks, looking annoyed."If those plates are damaged money for new ones are coming out of your wage."

I roll my eyes.

"That's fine." I say bluntly.

"Damaging my plates is fine to you?"

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