Chapter 57: What Am I Doing Wrong?

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The new year didn't start off well. I went to Jaces dads funeral, which obviously isn't a nice thing to go to, but I was there for Jace and I wanted to say goodbye to his dad. I'm glad I went but it was just so depressing and made me feel even worse about this new year.

Alicia needed to speak to me about us going travelling too... she said she spent a lot over Christmas and had to dip in to her savings... so now she wants to postpone travelling until February... She also said Jermaine really wants her to be his plus one at Michael's wedding... I guess she is gonna be going to that now... I was annoyed and upset about it, because I'm literally ready to fuck off out of here.

To top it all off I haven't spoken or seen Michael since new years eve... I literally told him how I feel and he's done nothing. I have been working a lot though... I keep asking for more hours so I don't have to be at home and constantly think about him. I wish I never said anything to him... I obviously mean nothing to him, so I'm done. I've done and said all I could say, and now I feel like an idiot again. I only confessed my feelings that night because I was drunk... and i thought it was time he knew how much I liked him.. I stupidly thought he would leave Meghan... I was wrong. He just used me again. Hes gonna go through with marrying her, and that's fine because I'm gonna be leaving this place and I'll never have to see him again. He can do what the fuck he wants.

January is going so fast... and its getting closer and closer to the wedding... its literally in two days. I can't believe I'm still here and not on a plane. I'm not sure I can stand seeing Michael and Meghan married so maybe I'll book myself a plane ticket for the day after their wedding, even if Alicia can't come with me.

"Enjoy." Alicia smiles, putting down a burger and fries in front of me.

"Thanks." I smirk.

She sighs looking at more customers walking in.

"Its so damn busy today." She rolls her eyes. "Make sure you come off your break on time."

I give her a look and pick up my burger. She walks off to greet the customers. I take a bite of my burger and sip my OJ. I look down at my phone and check my social media. I take another bite of my burger and stay looking at my phone.

"Hey Sam." I hear Meghan.

I look up from my phone, with a mouthful of my burger. She smiles and sits down opposite me. What the? I don't chew it fully and swallow, covering my mouth.

"Hey." I lick my lips and clear my throat, wondering why the fuck she is here and sitting at the table with me while I'm trying to have my damn break.

"I wont keep you." She smiles. "It's just I haven't seen you since new years and I've been meaning to speak to you. I thought you'd be here."

I nod slowly. And?

"Yeah, well I've taken on a lot of hours... I haven't been home much."

She nods.

"Jermaine told us that you and Alicia have postponed going travelling until February?"

"Uh... yeah... kind of."

"Well I've decided to change my bachelorette party to the night before the wedding now." She smiles. "And now you're going to be here you can come to the wedding? Alicia will be coming."

"I know shes going." I nod.

"So the party is tomorrow, and then you know the wedding is the day after. We're going to go to a spa and-"

"Uh sorry." I shake my head and cut her off. "Its a bit late notice... I thought you were having your bachelorette party earlier than that? I'm working tomorrow... I wont be able to make it."

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