Chapter 36: Finish What We Started

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I lay in the bath and stare up at the ceiling. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Michael and what we did. I still cant believe we fucked again, and in his and Megs fucking bed! I've never done this before! The only person I've ever slept with more than once is Jace. How did I get so carried away like that? I guess there was only so much resisting I could do. Theres just something about Michael that has me hooked. I bite my lip, starting to feel myself throb. I guess because hes so handsome, and how sweet he can be... and sarcastic. Also he obviously has a great dick. He is literally the most handsome man I've ever seen, and he knows how to please a woman. Its scaring me a little bit because I've not felt like this about a man since Jace... and I dont want things to get serious... like feelings and stuff. That will just make thinks 100 times more complicated. That shouldn't even enter my mind! We've had sex twice, it's just sex. Why am I bringing up feelings?

I sigh and close my eyes. I slide down and dunk my head under the water. I begin to wash my body and hair, trying to think of something else, but I cant.

I finish in the bath and get out, wrapping a towel around my body. I towel dry my hair and look in the mirror. I see the curls in my hair that have formed from being wet and smile, remembering Michael said it was nice. I hated how my hair went after being wet. I shake my head and continue drying my hair. And I still do. Just because Michael complimented me doesn't mean I automatically like it now.

I finger comb through my hair and take a deep breath, walking out of the bathroom. I go in to my room and pick up my mobile. Jace has text me. Shit I forgot to reply to his last text... hes asked if I'm ok and when I'm free next. I make a face and rub my cheek. Me and him need to talk.

I go to text him back, but before I do I glance over at my open curtains. I wonder if Michael is back? I walk over and look outside. His car is back. I look over in to his bedroom, but the light is off. I bite my lip, thinking of when I was in there with him.

I wait for a little while, looking over at his house, kind of hoping he'll come in to his bedroom. I make a face and shake my head. What am I doing? I shouldn't encourage this. I walk away and then lay on my bed. I sigh and play with my hair.

I look through my phone, trying to take my mind off Michael and begin to reply to Jace. As I'm thinking of what to reply and drafting up a text, I get a message. I lower my eyebrows. It's from an unknown number. I open it and instantly sit up.

Hey, Miss Carey

I widen my eyes and smile widely. Oh my god. Its Michael! But how? I bite my lip. I can't believe hes texting me now. Should I reply? I sit staring at the text. I'm really excited right now. I dont think I've ever been this excited over a damn text. Another one comes through.

Come to your window

I widen my eyes and look over at my window. Fuck! I run my hands through my hair and stand up. I'm so nervous all of a sudden. I walk over and stand at my window. Michael is standing in his bedroom... looking at me. Oh shit. He shows a little smile, checking me out and I watch him look down at his phone, as he texts. My phone pings and I look down at it.

Is your front door unlocked?

I cant help but smile. I cant believe him! I look up, smiling at him. He stares at me and licks his lips. I look back at my phone and reply:


I press send and look back at him. He gets my message and looks at his phone. He looks at me and then walks away from the window. What the fuck? Is he actually coming over?! I bite my lip feeling my heart pound against my chest. I keep looking out of the window and see him leave his house. I widen my eyes. I'm so nervous.

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