Chapter 49: Don't Stop

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Me and Alicia finish work and walk to the bus stop together.

"We haven't been out in a while." Alicia looks at me.

"Yeah, it's hard to when you're best friend is loved up, and I'm the single one." I give her a look and smile.

She smiles and rolls her eyes.

"You usually try and get me to go out every weekend, but for a while now you haven't wanted to go out."

"Yeah..." I shrug.


"I think because I've been too exhausted after work and i want to save as much money as i can now. It wont be long until January and we're on a plane." I smile.

"Yeah, I get that." She nods. "But aren't you missing flirting with guys and having your usual one night stand?" She smirks.

I make a face.

"Not really... maybe I'm starting to get bored of all that."

"Samantha, bored of men and sex?!" She gasps. "Never."

I chuckle and give her a look.

"I don't think I'll ever get bored of sex. I just haven't thought about it and I've been busy lately."

"Having sex with Michael." She smirks.

"No..." I try to hide my smile.

"You cant deny the fact that you've been going out less since hooking up with Michael. You've lost interest in fucking other people, because hes the only one you want to fuck."

"No Alicia." I shake my head.

"Ok, or he fucks you so good you don't need to look else where. He could fuck you once and then you'd be ok for a month." She giggles.

"Stop it." I giggle.

We get on to the bus and sit down.

"If you want to go out Al you can just ask me. You know I'm always up for a night out."

"I know." She smiles. "I just dont want you to think I'm leaving you out because I'm seeing Jermaine. I know we haven't spent much time together recently, apart from seeing each other at work."

"Its fine." I shrug. "We are going to be spending a lot of time together soon though aren't we? Around the world." I smile. "Jermaine only has you for a little while longer." I smirk.

"Yeah..." She shows a little smile.

"Oh, and we have Meghan's bachelorette party to look forward to." I make a face.

"You're going to that?"

"Maybe?" I shrug. "If you come with me?"

Alicia gives me a look and smirks.

"I guess it would be entertaining and quite fun." She chuckles.

"Yeah you can say that again. We can think about it. Its probably a bad idea to go."

"Considering her fiancee likes you and you like him, it probably is."

"I don't like him."

"Ugh." She sighs and rolls her eyes. "You need to stop the bullshit and take that guard down. You like him Sam. It's a fact."

I shake my head.

"You know it, i know it, Michael knows it, Jace knows it, hell, even Meg probably knows it."

"What?" I laugh.

"Seriously, she has to be really dumb to not suspect something. Shes probably trying to ignore the signs because she wants to marry him."

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