Chapter 43: When You Know, You Know

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I lock my front door and look up at Nick.

"You still hate getting up in the mornings don't you?"

"Yeah. You know I'm not a morning person." He smiles.

"Just dont make me late." I give him a look.

He yawns and rolls his eyes.

I walk over to Nick's car and he follows behind. I glance at Michael's house and see him but quickly look away. I think hes looking over at me and Nick.

"Good morning." I hear Nick call out.

What the fuck? I quickly look back at Nick and see hes waving with a big grin looking at Michael.

"Morning." Michael replies but very bluntly with a straight face.

Michael glances at me and I sigh, opening the car door.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask Nick.

He looks at me as he puts his seatbelt on.

"Why did I say good morning?"

"Yeah?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Well, because its morning... and he was just staring over at us. I felt him keep looking."

"You should have just ignored him. That's what I try to do." I say putting my seatbelt on.

"What?" Nick chuckles. "You dont get on with your neighbours?"

I shake my head.

"I dont really speak to them."

"Then whys he staring at us?"

"I don't know? Maybe theres something wrong with him."

"Mmm..." Nick starts up his car.

"Dont make me late." I raise an eyebrow.

He smiles and drives off.


He stops outside the diner and I open the car door. I see Alicia walking towards work.

"Thanks Nick."

"Am I picking you up?" He asks.

"I'll text you." I nod.

"Don't work too hard sis." He smirks.

I give him a look and get out of the car.

"Bye. Stay out of trouble."

"I'll try." He smiles.

I give him a look and shut the door. He drives away and I walk over to Alicia and smile.

"Was that Nick?" She asks lowering her eyebrows, looking back at his car as he drives up the road.

"Yep..." I nod.

"Where the hell has he crawled from?"

I make a face.



"He got himself in to trouble and then went to stay with my dad for a few months."

"And now hes seeing you? Bit random isn't it after all this time? Whens the last time you saw him?"

I sigh.

"Thats what I thought and I actually dont know it's been that long." I shake my head. "He's staying with me for a few days."

"Is he still in trouble or something?"

"He told me he isn't."

"You believe him?"

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