Chapter 12: Third Wheel

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I turn up the music and pour out some wine.

"Have you seen Michael today?" Alicia asks as she looks in the mirror, applying more lipstick.


"You sound hurt by that?" She smirks looking at me.

I give her a look.

"I don't want to talk about him."

"The thing is I have never heard you talk about your other hook ups for this long, and you've had a lot."

I raise my eyebrows and scoff.

"I don't talk about him! And hello, what do you expect after he moved next door to me?" I chuckle. "And excuse me, but I haven't slept with that many guys."

She gives me a look and laughs. I sip my wine and i grin to myself.

"Did i tell you I saw Michael and Meg through the window the other night?"

"See! There you go again! Talking about him." She giggles. "Wait, what?" She says looking at me straight faced now.

"Yeah." I nod and laugh.

"What did you see?!" She smiles.

"Nothing really, but they looked like they were about to fuck."

"Oh." She frowns.

"And then Michael saw me..."

She opens her mouth and starts laughing.

"No way! God sake Sam."

"I know." I laugh with her. "We shouldn't laugh... but it's kind of funny."

"Its hilarious." She chuckles. "He is gonna think you're creeping on them! Trying to watch them have sex." She shakes her head.

"I wasn't trying to watch them have sex! I was in my bedroom and I saw them both so I thought I'd have a quick look."

She finishes her wine and stands up from the sofa. She smiles and walks over towards the stairs. I lower my eyebrows. Oh no.

"Alicia!" I giggle going after her. "Dont you dare go in to my bedroom."

"I'm curious now!" She laughs.

I roll my eyes and follow her in to my bedroom.

"You've got the curtains closed?"

"Well yeah. I dont want to see them having sex, and I don't want him to look in on me either."

"Of course you dont." She smirks.

"I don't!" I giggle.

She moves back the curtain a little bit and takes a look.

"Alicia! Dont." I laugh.

She giggles having a look. I stand watching her and shake my head. She quickly moves her head back and looks at me.

"Michael has just entered the room." She grins.

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows.

She chuckles and carefully looks back through the curtain.

"Come on Al stop it." I giggle. "He will probably see you! Let's call a taxi and go."

"Oh shit, hes getting naked."


"Yeah." She chuckles. "Look."

I quickly pull back a little bit of the curtain and take a look. He is getting naked! God I wish I was in that room. He looks so hot. His curls are hanging down and he's now in his underwear.

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