Chapter 20: It's Like You Wanted Me To Hear You

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Jace really must have triggered something, because since bumping in to him I've been going out a lot more than usual... Not only do I live next to an engaged guy I had a one night stand with, but now I run in to my asshole of an ex. Things just keep getting better. When will I get a break?

The last couple of weekends me and Alicia have been partying hard, and I've even made her come out with me after work some times and I haven't been out after work in a long time. I'm trying to block out feelings and been bringing more guys back with me after nights out. It's still not really fixing anything... and I know alcohol and sex wont fix everything, but it helps a little bit when I'm in the moment.

Its Monday morning and I have a huge hangover. I really dont want to work today. I might have to give it a rest on a Sunday from now on. Hangovers while having to work is the worst.

Before leaving my house I make sure I drink at least 6 cups of coffee, and take some tablets for my headache. I take a bottle of water with me and moan to myself as I walk over to my front door. Another day of hell.

"Morning." Michael calls over.

I make a face as I lock my front door and sigh. I glance over at him and he smiles. Even though I'm not in the mood his smile instantly makes me smile.

I walk away from my front door and he makes a face. He keeps looking over at my front door. I lower my eyebrows.

"What?" I ask.

"Just thought there might have been another guy leaving your house this morning."

I raise my eyebrows and he smirks.

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"You've been having some fun.. well, trying to."

I shake my head.

"You've been watching me?" I smile and raise an eyebrow. "Knew you were a stalker."

"No." He laughs lightly. "You're very loud when you're drunk. I'm pretty sure you wake the whole neighbourhood up when you come home from where ever you've been."

I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I say sarcastically.

He gives me a look.

"You woke me up at 5 in the morning."

I frown.

"Oh really? I woke sleeping beauty up that early? Again, my apologies."

He chuckles.

"I can really see how sorry you are, but I need all the beauty sleep I can get."

I smirk and nod.

"You're right. I am very sorry."

"You're not supposed to agree with me." He makes a face.

I chuckle and raise an eyebrow.

"I looked out my window and saw you with some guy walking in to your house, but then that's all I saw. You still keep your bedroom curtains closed."

I make a face and he smirks.

"You wanted to see me get fucked?"

"I wanted to see how much you were faking it."

I laugh.

"You're somethin else."

He grins.

"What's with you bringing guys home with you now anyway?" He asks.

I lower my eyebrows.

"What's it got to do with you?"

"Nothin." He shrugs. "Its just the last couple of weekends I've noticed you bringing guys home."

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