Chapter 63: New Beginnings

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I sit looking at plane tickets on my dads laptop while my dad and Savannah cook dinner. My dad smiles and looks over at me.

"Today was nice wasn't it?"

"Yeah." I smile slowly.

"I've missed doing that sort of stuff with you and Nick. It brought back memories of when you two were kids."

"Yeah." I chuckle. "I felt like a kid again today. It was fun." I nod. "It took my mind off things for a little while."

"Good." My dad smiles. "It was nice seeing you smile Sammie."

I make a face and laugh softly.

"I know you've been through a lot, but I hope you're starting to feel better."

"I am..." I nod. "And sorting out this travelling stuff is keeping me busy. I'm actually planning on going in the next couple of days."

"Already?" My dad frowns. "You don't have to rush off. You can stay for as long as you want."

"I know." I show a little smile. "But I don't want to be in your way."

"You're not in our way at all." Savannah looks over at me.

"Thanks... but I have to do this. I want to move forward you know? Start my adventure now. I feel like the longer I stay in one place the more I'll think about everything that's happened..."

My dad nods.

"Well do what's best for you Sammie." He smiles.

"Yeah, I will." I smile.

Me, dad and Savannah have dinner together. Nick is out seeing Jayda. I help clean up and then I go take a bath. I get myself ready for bed and then go downstairs to get a glass of water.

I pour myself a glass and then I pass the living room and hear my dad and Nick talking quietly. They're talking about me again. I roll my eyes and listen in quietly.

"I don't like the sound of this." My dad sighs.

"But she's not happy dad."

"You saw how happy she was today. She's doing fine Nick. I don't want her to get hurt any more. She needs a break."

"She's in love. She wont just forget about him."

"She will when she's travelling around the world, and she might even meet someone else. Someone who hasn't messed with her feelings and who will actually be good for her."

"Come on dad." Nick scoffs. "I'm just as pissed off with him as you are. The last thing I want is someone upsetting Sam, but-"

"She's trying to move on and I think that's what she should do. You think he deserves Sam after what he's done? She's upset now, but in the long run she will see she made the right decision."

I lower my eyebrows. What the hell is going on?

"But she's not sure dad and Savannah agrees with me. That's why I think-"

I walk in and they both stop and look at me.

"Sam, I thought you were in bed?" My dad raises his eyebrows.

"I wanted a glass of water."

Nick and my dad stay quiet.

"What were you talking about?" I lower my eyebrows. "What does Savannah agree with?"

"Nothing." My dad shakes his head and gives Nick a look.

Nick keeps a straight face and looks at me.

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