Chapter 26: I'm A Sweet Guy

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Before my way in to work I need to go in to town to get myself a new charger for my phone. It's not turning on... so I hope it's the charger and not my phone because I cant afford another phone right now.

I leave my house and just as I'm about to walk down the street I hear raised voices. I look back and see Michael walk out of his house and slam the door shut. He storms over to his car. I make a face but continue walking. I wonder what that's about...


I find the right charger for my phone and pay for it. Hopefully this works. I look at the time on the big clock in the town centre, seeing I've got just over an hour before I need to get to work. I'd do a bit of shopping if I had the fucking money. Best just go to work... I begin walking back through town, heading for the buses.

I slow down when I see Michael up ahead, handing out leaflets. I'm seeing him so much recently. It's hard enough seeing him next door... now he is every where I go.

I've felt a bit bad since yesterday though, which I dont know why and I shouldnt, but I think I was a bit harsh on him. I've just been going through a lot of emotions recently. I continue walking towards him.

He hands out leaflets and then turns his head noticing me. I smile and he smiles back at me raising his eyebrows.

"What are you handing out today?" I ask, holding my hand out for a leaflet

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"What are you handing out today?" I ask, holding my hand out for a leaflet.

He hands me one and I start to read it.

"Build Africa. It's a charity to give children the education they need."

I nod.

"It helps by building schools, giving classroom resources and clean water."

I smile.

"You're so passionate about this stuff."

"I just feel there are a lot of people who are less fortunate, who need help and dont always get it. I feel like I'm making a change, even it it's just little things."

"I agree." I nod.

Hes so damn sweet. I love this side to him. You'd never think he'd be this caring considering he cheated on Meg...

"I think its great what you do. I think more people should think like that. You're helping a lot of people, and animals with the other charities you do."

"I try to." He nods. "Make the world a better place and all that."

"You can be quite sweet." I smirk.

He grins.

"I'm a sweet guy." He shrugs.

I laugh softly. Hes too cute. I go a bit quiet and then look up at him.

"Sorry about yesterday by the way."

He lowers his eyebrows.

"About what?"

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