Chapter 60: Going For Good

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I throw things around my room, shoving things in to my travelling bags and suitcase frantically, while I cry uncontrollably. I'm so upset. Michael is a fucking asshole and a liar. Why did I ever trust him? Hes a damn cheat. Lying comes naturally to him. I'm such an idiot and I'm a horrible person. I thought Michael loved me? And the one person I fall in love with and let my guard down to, does this to me. I sit on my bed crying. I try to calm myself down because packing isn't easy when you can't see a damn thing because you're crying so much.

I just think it's messed up how Meghan didn't even care... all she wanted was her fucking wedding. I don't know many girls who would brush over their partner cheating on them and still marry them. She was just so obsessed over having a damn wedding and being a bride. And I don't understand how Michael could just go along with it? I guess I was always second best, and just someone he wanted sex with. Meghan was right in saying he was never serious about me.

I wipe my face and take a deep breath. I stand up and start to pack again, but I instantly burst in to tears again. Fucking hell! I moan loudly and shake my head.

I sit back down again and hold my face in my hands. I can't believe Alicia kept her pregnancy from me... I mean, i get why she did it... and it has upset me. She's my best friend and we had plans together... the pregnancy was a shock. She's only been with Jermaine for a little while! I want to be happy for her, and I am, but why did she have to get pregnant now? She lied to me, making me think us going travelling was still gonna happen. I sigh and shake my head. And then she persuaded me to come to the fucking wedding! She has Jermaine now, and Meghan and Michael are gonna start their lives together... and then theres me... the one who is always alone.

I stand up and frown. Well I don't need anyone. I can just do this myself. My life starts when I get on that plane, and I'm never looking back. I hold back my tears and try to pack again. I need to get out of here fast. I'm gonna call Jace to pick me up instead of a taxi. I take a deep breath and call his number. It takes a little while for him to answer.


"Hey." I sniff.

"Hey Sam. What's up?"

I pause for a second, trying not to cry.

"I'm leaving today."


"Yeah, I'm going travelling... I was just wondering if you could take me to the airport in your car?"

"Uh, well I'm at work."

"Oh, yeah... sorry..."

"No, I can still take you to the airport. Are you ok? You sound upset."

"Don't worry Jace.. I don't want you leaving work because of me."

"Well i can't have you go without saying goodbye can i?"

"Thanks." I show a little smile.

"I didn't realise it was today."

"Yeah..." I frown. "How long will you be?"

"I'll leave now, so I'll get to you in the next 10 or 15 minutes."

"Ok... thank you."

"What's wrong Sam?"

"Nothing." I sniff. "I've still got loads of packing to do, so I'll see you soon."

"Ok... see you later."


We hang up and more tears fall down my face. I sigh and pack the rest of my stuff. I start taking some of the bags downstairs and put them by the front door, ready to go. I go back upstairs and pack the rest of my suitcase. I'm rushing around and just grabbing whatever i see. I'm not even thinking about what I'm packing.

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