Chapter 44: Have A Good Day

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Shit! What is he doing here? Did he just see Michael holding my hand? I'm not sure, but he does look upset. My heart is beating so fast.

"Jace?" I manage to speak.

He looks at Michael and then at me.

"I needed to come speak to you." He frowns.

"Ok." I nod and make a face.

About what?! I glance at Michael and he shows a little smile.

"See you later." He looks at me and then at Jace before walking over to his house.

"Bye." I say quietly.

I walk over to my front door and Jace follows me inside. We walk in to my living room and I look at him. He looks like hes about to break down or something? I lower my eyebrows feeling a bit nervous.

"Jace, what's wrong?" I ask.

He frowns but doesn't say anything. I hold his arm.

"Here, let's sit down." I say walking us over to the sofa.

We sit down and he rubs his face, looking down at the floor. I frown seeing him so upset.

"Jace, talk to me."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"My dad is sick again." He says, trying to hold back his tears.

I raise my eyebrows and then frown.

"The cancer is back." His voice quivers.

"Oh no." I frown and place my hand on his knee. "I'm sorry... that's terrible."

He wipes his eyes and frowns.

"When I found out you were the only person I wanted to see and speak to."

"Oh shit." I remember the last text I got from him the other day, saying he wanted to talk to me. "Is that what you meant when you last messaged me? Was that when you found out?"

"Yeah." He sniffs.

"I'm so sorry Jace." I frown. "I was going to reply to you, but I've been so busy."

"Its fine." He shakes his head. "I know you have."

"Its not though. You needed me, and this isnt a nice thing to be going through."

"Its ok, really." He nods. "Its just worse this time because the cancer came back a while ago, and i had no idea. I thought he was doing ok... but then he told me the other day that it's back. He said he didn't want to worry me, that's why he kept it from me... it's more aggressive this time..."

"Oh God." I frown.

"I wish he would have told me." He sighs and shakes his head looking mad. "I would have helped him. He didn't have to keep it from me."

"I know." I nod. "Just don't be mad at him... hes probably just so scared and upset that its back and didn't want to upset you. You can still help him." I show a little smile and hold his hand.

He frowns and looks at our hands.

"I cant help him." He shakes his head as tears roll down his face. "He's really going to die this time Sam. It's too late, and the doctors have said hes stopped responding to treatment. Its spreading all over his body."

I frown, feeling myself choke up. I know what hes going through... I squeeze his hand. He looks at me and sniffs.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be putting this on you but you're the only one I wanted to see. I thought you'd understand..."

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