Chapter 18: As Clever As a Monkey

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I serve some customers and put some orders through the kitchen. I grab some cleaning products and see Alicia walk through looking angry.

"What is it with people today?" She scoffs.

I continue looking through the cleaning cupboard, not really paying attention.

"Litrally just had some guy shout at me because he ordered sweet potato fries, not normal fries. I wrote down his order just like he said. It wasn't my fault. Oh, and then this little brat started crying because she knocked over her milkshake, and her mom blamed me for it!" She shakes her head. "People are assholes today. I cant wait for this shift to be over."

I close the cupboard and pick up a cloth. Alicia looks at me.


I grab a mop too.

"Hello?! Sam?!" Alicia snaps in my face.

"Huh what?" I lower my eyebrows and look at her.

She makes a face.

"Did you really not just hear what I said?"

"Something about sweet potato fries and a little kid crying?"

She raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry." I chuckle.

"What's up with you?" She asks.

"Nothing." I shake my head.

"Its Michael." She rolls her eyes.

"No." I make a face.

"Well what?" She laughs.

"I think I'm coming down with a cold or something." I shrug.

She smirks.

"You better not be." Chris says walking past us.

I roll my eyes.

"Cant afford to have you off work. We're short staffed as it is."

"Well hire more people." I give him a look.

"Haven't got the money to do that."

"Bullshit." I scoff. "You work us to the bone. You just dont want to spend more money on extra wages."

"Yeah exactly." He smiles. "The less people to pay, the more I can spend on this place."

"Like what?! You haven't done anything nice to this place in ages."

"Maybe you just dont notice Sam."

"I practically live here. I think I'd notice."

Alicia laughs quietly and raises her eyebrows.

"You dont have a clue Sam." He laughs. "And that's why I run this place, and you serve."

I scoff.

"I could run this place a lot better than you. Idiot." I mumble and roll my eyes.

"What was that?" He gives me a look.

"Nothing." I show a big fake smile.

"That's what I thought. Now can you go clean some tables? You too Alicia. Oh, and try not to mess up any more orders today."

Alicia gives him a look. I grit my teeth and sigh.


Alicia giggles and we walk out of the kitchen.

"It wasn't even my fault." Alicia frowns. "Maybe that's what you should do? Run your own diner." She smirks.

"Diner?" I laugh. "No, I'd run something a lot nicer than this shit hole. A nice, fancy, posh restaurant. With the best food." I smirk. "And you could come work for me. I'd pay you a little bit more of course."

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