Chapter 21: Trick or Treat

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"This is such a good scene." Alicia says eating some popcorn.

I give her a look.

"She gets stabbed and dies."

"I know." She nods. "But it's like, the most famous movie scene ever. Everyone knows the shower scene with the iconic music, and her getting stabbed."

"True." I nod. "I never wanted to have a shower again after watching this."

"Same!" Alicia laughs. "Scary shit."

Just as the shower curtain gets pulled back and the actress screams, theres knocking on my door making me jump a little bit. Alicia sees me jump and laughs. I give her a look and smile.

"Shut up." I say standing up.

I grab the bowl of treats and walk over to my front door, opening it. Standing before me are 3 kids and their parents. One is dressed as a Ghost Buster, another is dressed as Woody from Toy Story and the other kid is dressed as a skeleton. I smile.

"Trick or treat!" The kids shout with a big grin on their face.

"Wow, you guys look so cool!" I hold out the bowl of treats and they dig in, grabbing handfuls.

"Hey, not that many! We've told you this." One of the parents say, telling off their kid.

"Its ok." I smile. "I have way too much anyway. They can take as much as they want."

The parents smile at me.

"What do you say?" One of the parents ask.

"Thank you!" The kids say as they turn around, ready to go to the next house.

I chuckle.

"Happy Halloween."

They walk away from my house and just before I go back inside I glance over at Michael's house.

I see hes at his door seeing to trick or treaters too. Seeing him with children makes him look even more cute. I smile watching him talk to the kids as they take treats. He says bye to them and then he looks over in my direction and we both look at each other. Shit. I quickly look away and go back inside. I sigh and put down the bowl, going back in to the living room.

"You missed her die." Alicia says, still picking away at the popcorn.

I laugh and sit down.

"I've seen her die loads of times."

She chuckles and stands up.

"I'll open the bottle of wine."

"Oh yeah, forgot we had that!" I smile.

I light some candles and eat a piece of candy.

"I cant believe we didnt get a pumpkin." Alicia frowns coming back with two glasses of wine.

"They were all sold out! I dont get how people get them so early without them going moldy before Halloween."

"Yeah... oh my god what about Toffee Apples?!"

"Ok, you find the ingredients and we'll do them." I smile and drink my wine. "I've got apples..."

"I'll Google it. Cant be that hard?"

I shrug and then hear another knock on my front door. I roll my eyes and stand up.

"I'm gonna be up and down all night."

"Great work out for your bum and legs." Alicia says, scrolling for recipes on her phone.

I smirk and pick up the treat bowl again, going to the front door. I open it and to my surprise see Michael standing there. He smiles and looks down at the treats and then back at me.

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