Chapter 50: It's All Gone Too Far

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I start doing up my shirt buttons and walk towards Nick. He goes to lunge for Michael but I step in his way pushing his chest, stopping him. Nick balls up his fists.

"You mother fuck-"

"Nick, just calm down a second-"

"Calm down?! I just walked in to him all over you, with your shirt undone and you pushing him off of you saying no! I can see you've been crying too! What's the matter with you?" Nick glares at Michael. "You couldn't take no for an answer?!"

"It wasn't like that." Michael shakes his head.

"I know what I fucking saw! You were forcing yourself on her! Its lucky I came in or he would have raped you!"

I widen my eyes. Michael raises his eyebrows and scoffs, not believe what hes hearing.

"No." I quickly shake my head. "You've got it wrong Nick! Just calm down! You're still high-"

"Now I get why Sam was being weird about you. You've been sexually harassing her! You've got a damn fiancee!"

Michael laughs and shakes his head. Nick screws his face up, pushes past me and lunges for Michael. He grabs his shirt collar and pins him up against the kitchen counter.

"Nick!" I yell.

"Sexual harassment is funny to you?! Well it's not to me, especially when it's my sister."

"Its not funny to me." Michael shakes his head. "But that's not me. That's not what-"

"You're a sick mother fucker. I shouldn't have left you alone with Sam!" He punches Michael in the face.

"Nick stop it!" I shout. "Michael isn't like that. You've got it wrong!" I try to hold his arm to stop him.

Michael looks at Nick with blood coming from his nose now. He tries to push him off.

"I should call the damn cops on your ass."  He grabs Michael's shirt again and punches him hard again.

"Stop!!" I shout and push Nick back. "Me and Michael are having sex!"

Nick breathes heavily and lowers his eyebrows. Michael moans and holds his jaw. He then touches the blood from his nose and lip. I frown and shake my head.

"There! The fucking secret is out! Michael has been cheating on Meghan with me!"

"What the fuck?" Nick looks confused.

"I obviously don't want you to know this, but you were beating the shit out of him, thinking he was about to fucking rape me!" I shake my head.

Nick glares at Michael.

"Well you still deserved that. You're a damn cheat."

Michael gives him a look.

"You're letting him cheat Sam? What are you doing? I thought you were friends with Meghan?"

I frown.

"Don't make me feel like shit Nick."

"I don't get it?" He shakes his head. "What about when you were cheated on? You know how that feels."

"I know!" I raise my voice, feeling upset.

"What is it with you attracting the wrong guys?!"

"Its none of your business Nick! I didn't want you finding out. I didn't want anyone to find out! I feel terrible about it and I know it's wrong, but it just happened."

Nick scoffs and shakes his head.

"So what? Are you two in love or something?"

Michael looks at me.

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