Chapter 37: Chinese?

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I put on one of my oversized t-shirts and pull up a pair of panties. I turn around and look at Michael. Hes sitting on the end of my bed, doing up the buttons on his shirt. We look at each other quietly. He looks so sexy with his messy hair. I look away from him and run my hands through my hair. I've got sex hair too.

He stands up and picks up his boxers. I quickly take a glimpse of his dick before he pulls them on. How am I already thinking about jumping on him again?!

"Have you eaten?" He asks, breaking the silence.

What? Thats the first thing he says? I look at him and shake my head.

"No, have you?" I realise after saying that, it kind of sounds like an innuendo...

He smiles and looks down, picking up his trousers. Hes thinking sexual... I smile slowly.

"No." He shakes his head.

I look him up and down, as he pulls up his trousers.

"Chinese?" He says.

"What?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Do you like Chinese food?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess."

He gives me a look.

"Do you wanna have Chinese with me? You still owe me a takeaway."

I give him a look and then smile. I dont usually do this... I never have sex with someone and then stay with them afterwards... we shouldn't have had sex, let alone eat a takeaway together.

"I dont know." I shake my head.

He stares at me.

"If you dont want Chinese we can order something else."

I raise an eyebrow. I dont get him? How can he want to eat with me after what we just did?! Doesn't he feel bad... or guilty? Has he forgotten hes gonna be marrying Meg in a couple of months? I thought he would just want to leave, I mean, I kind of want him to go... I dont think we should be hanging around each other like this. Hes acting like what we just did is fine, and eating with me afterwards is fine... like its normal.

"No, I just think maybe we shouldn't eat together."

"Its just food." He lowers his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I know." I give him a look. "But... we just had sex... dont you just want to go?"

He stares at me, but doesn't answer. He looks away and then runs his hand through his hair.

"I dont usually stay with guys I sleep with. It's just sex, and then see ya."

"I guess you dont usually owe guys a takeaway?"

I give him a look and smile slowly.

"That's fine." He shrugs. "Maybe another time?"

I nod and stare at him quietly. He shows a little smile and then starts walking over to my bedroom door. I suddenly get a weird feeling, like I dont want him to leave yet. Just then I wanted him to go, and now I want him to stay? What the hell?

"How did you get my number?" I ask, stopping him.

He turns and looks at me.

"I took it after you signed up to the endangered animals charity."

I raise my eyebrows. That was months ago! Alicia said he might take it...

"You've had my number all this time?"

He nods.

"I thought I wouldn't ever use it, but... I guess I did in the end. I know I shouldn't have taken your number like that."

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